Books and Fall Weather

Oct 11, 2008 13:15

Last week I finally finished reading an annotated edition of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. This was my first reading of an Austen book and I was really surprised at home much I liked it. Shortly before that I had attempted to begin Sense and Sensibility without developing any real interest. I think I might give it another try now.

Since then I've started two new books. The first is for work: Little House on a Small Planet by Shay Salomon. The book is about rethinking the McMansions and the high energy bills, reducing our dependence on bigger and better to make us happy, and returning to a more sensible way of building through smaller footprints. Although I've only read the first section of the book it is really great and I highly encourage you to read it if this is at all of interest to you.

The second is for my own sense of well-being: The Audacity of Hope by Barack Obama. I picked it up on a whim while I was out shopping one day. I went into the cart with a bunch of other books and earlier this week I picked it up out of my huge To Read pile. Pastors Mom and Doug speak highly of his other book, Dreams from My Father but neither had read this one so I figured what the hey. Never in my life have I felt so optimistic about the future of my country. Never have I looked on the political system in such a light. I am by nature cynical and negative in all manner of my regard for the U.S. but Obama's positive tone and realistic framework really make me see how I and others have erred and how we, the people, can get things back on track - mostly through cooperation with people of all walks of life.

I hardly have any time for reading. In fact, bedtime has become the only time for reading. After I'm done with grading and dinner and a little TV after work I usually crawl into bed around 11 or midnight and flip open one of my books to read for an hour or so. I never stop until my eyes are all crusty and itchy and the words start to blur together. Then I toss it on the night stand with my glasses and turn off the light. Images and ideas from the books swirl together in my head as I drift off. Sometimes they get me so energized or anxious that in a moment I have to turn on the light again and read some more, or take notes, or doodle ideas.

With fall here and the weather cooling I dream of spending hours by an open window with a book and two cuddly dogs. But the reality is that there is too much to do and too many options for me to choose to make the time. Not that I couldn't - I just don't. I give myself a "compromise" by opening up all the windows in the house while I work. The dogs are cuddly, but in their own separate corners. Lucy is sprawled out in all her fat glory on the dog bed by the sofa. Low, rattling snores eminate from that direction. She sleeps with her eyes open. Ando is on his back, spread eagle, on the loveseat under the big picture window. He likes to push the cushions out and wedge his body into the crevice at the back. He twitches now and again when the garbage or mail trucks drive by and his eyes roll around trying to focus. In another moment his ears go soft and he drifts back into his happy place.

It's nice working from home on the weekends. I like to take breaks from writing or grading to play with the bambinos or take them for walks. It makes me feel like I have a purpose other than my job. It's refreshing.

politics, sustainability, books, interior design

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