Class 2

Oct 18, 2022 17:44

I feel pretty good that I am doing this bootcamp. Leon is an awesome teacher and very funny. Even though I feel like I have a good grasp on HTML I am learning little things from his lectures.  I learned about the HTML5 tags and which are used to place blocks of information on the page within the body tag. I also learned about the tag. From my understanding, this tag helps form a side bar which can be used for ads. I also learned "!" is called a "bang" in programming. A very cool trick I learned was: if you press the "Alt" button (For Windows OS) in VsCode you can code on multiple lines at once.

A lot of the class was good review on tags I am already familiar with like
      which are ordered and unordered lists. We also reviewed heading tags and how to assign order of importance on a website. I also laughed when he said most developers now say they got their start on Neopets. I never did much coding on neopets but I sure made my myspace layout cool with CSS back in the day! I also used livejournal and tried to make cool layouts using html back in the day. (I believe I made this layout with HTML I should go look at it)

      It was also interesting how he stated the best ways to learn is space repetition and active recall that is why I am typing up these what I learn summaries which help solidify the new information that I am presented with in class. I used to always think I had to take notes while I learned otherwise, I do not pay attention. Leon recommends writing down questions as you view the lectures. I really don't have questions yet for any of the lectures yet as the majority is information that I have already been exposed to. I'm sure that will change as the classes become more challenging.

      I still need to finish the Learning How to Learn course and reading the Shay Howe: Learn to Code pages. I am also thinking I want to make an official tech twitter to share my coding journey and network with other people. I'm not sure if I also need to like and retweet to check in still? I should ask about that in the discord. Maybe I should use my WordPress course and build a blog on WordPress to document my journey? (Maybe I am trying to take on too much doing two courses at once).  It is somewhat confusing being in the catchup crew for this bootcamp but I am just going to keep doing my best!

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