Dec 26, 2008 13:21
for some reason life seems good. the path is cleared for me to dedicate myself to finish school. getting a job. and beginning my study of the buddhist religion. the only constant is change. and i feel surrounded by some loving people. i need to focus on the abundance and not the lack. and there are some deep changes that i have been unwilling to make that i am now ready to make? i can try at least.
i excited because i had a light bulb moment the other day about how to make some extra cash. i will be launching my idea here once all my ducks are a row. i think that it could really work as long i as put some hard work into it.
i wouldn't say that we celebrate christmas per se, but we still unwrap gifts and eat ungodly amounts of good food. so yeah we celebrate christmas. our spiritual celebration is our yule ritual and the creation of our yule log. "which is to say christmas, as in yule, yule log. Not a log, I don't have a log. I mean you know. If I had a log, not in the sense that you think I said I did." so we celebrate our spirituality and log in all its form on yule/the solstice and then we celebrate gluttony and greed on christmas. sounds about right.
this year i have to say was one of the best ones yet. mostly because scott and i had one of those very grounding, centering yet light, romantic and fun filled day. it feels so good to laugh with scott and to want just surround myself with him. because he was being so entertaining and loving. it was great. also a few our friends stopped by and my most favorite of all my friends, scorch, was able to get off his ass and make the drive over the bay bridge to our house. it was good times.
we ate a fuck load of food. and i am skipping pilates today due to a food hangover. ugh. i hate missing pilates. after today i am going to do a juice detox and resume my healthy eating/healthy lifestyle.
but i will get around to writing out a menu of sorts. just for my own edification and because i would like to make some of the same stuff next year. right now i am just trying to process all the food first. hahaha. scott made a correct assessment that all i seem to be able to eat is oysters and pastries. they are delicious.
alright so friends, food and fucking out of the way and onto the gifts!
i got a food processor!!! i so want to have sex with my food processor and i even gave it a few kisses yesterday. a few of my friends were surprised that i would be happy with a food processor since it goes against my feminist nature. but really i would be happy with any gift that was related to my house or to cooking. yes, even a vaccum cleaner. but oh my god i grated so much cheese yesterday.
and, and i got a completely, frivolous gift of an ipod, itouch. i suppose it is just called an itouch and i can not help but marvel at the genius of it. it is a portable laptop with a touch screen. the intelligence, the design and the marketing behind apple products is what earns my respect of their products. i love my new toy and i am in continued awe of it. it is fun to play.
the bonus of it all. is that scott and i still have enough money to go on a trip! plus to get some new clothes and shoes which we both need. we just need to figure out where we are going to go. i want to go to a place that has horse back riding and a place that has a spa. i need to do a little research.
so looking forward to: a visit to bunny's house, a party at christie's house, a visit with scorch, a trip with scott, starting school (sort of, not really but gotta fake it until i make it), inauguration party at scorch's & heather will be there too!
it might be winter, but it is good and happy. go figure.