Yesterday my dad made my sister and I sit down for one of those Talks. The main purpose was to explicitly moot a topic that had been mumbled about previously: the soon-to-be-wicked-stepmother and her two spawn will, so the rumour goes, be moving in with us sometime shortly after my father gets around to marrying her. This is currently slated to occur in August. Where I fit in is that he wants to know what I'm going to be doing: if I'm going to stay here for another three years or more, he's going to sell the house and get one with an extra bedroom. But if I'm going to be moving out relatively soon, there'd be little point since he could just give my room away once I leave.
So the question is, do I want to put up with having them live here full time in exchange for the low rent? I do have it pretty good: $100 per month plus chores. And I like the area we're in. They already do spend more time than I'd like here, but the house is empty just as often as not so I currently get a reasonable amount of peace. But that would pretty much evaporate once they started living with us full time. And they really do annoy me.
Dad wants an answer by the end of winter. So I have approximately five months or so to decide whether I'm staying or going. I lean slightly toward the latter at the moment, and I have a feeling that this inclination is only going to get stronger as time goes on.
(9:48:54 PM) Matt: Alternately I could just start spending my whole days out of the house and only come home to sleep
(9:49:10 PM) Jake: That gets old fast. I tried it.
(9:49:17 PM) Jake: Its hard to find things to fill your time.
(9:49:27 PM) Matt: Not for me it isn't.
(9:49:37 PM) Matt: If anything I could be better off.
(9:49:42 PM) Jake: Yeah, I forget you're in a nifty little city.
(9:49:45 PM) Matt: I dick around too much at home
(9:49:50 PM) Matt: Not even that
(9:50:10 PM) Matt: I'd get a lot more done I imagine, in terms of studies and my own reading.
(9:50:30 PM) Jake: What would you do? Go to a coffee shop and read all day?
(9:50:36 PM) Matt: And there's always Katie's place if I manage to get bored even of that.
(9:50:46 PM) Matt: Or anywhere with wifi
(9:50:56 PM) Matt: Of which there are enough places
(9:51:04 PM) Jake: Do me a favor and start looking for places that are hiring in the area.
(9:51:07 PM) Matt: lol
(9:51:25 PM) Matt: That's a problem... job situation here, not so great.
(9:51:41 PM) Jake: Not even minimum wage type stuff?
(9:51:52 PM) Matt: It just depends what's in your dignity range
(9:52:12 PM) Jake: How low are we talking?
(9:52:26 PM) Matt: Like telemarketing low.
(9:52:36 PM) Jake: Fuck, yeah. I'll telemarket.
(9:52:40 PM) Jake: They have openings for that?
(9:52:57 PM) Matt: You do realize I'll have to kill you in your sleep for the good of mankind.
(9:53:11 PM) Jake: I have to do something to experience the world!
(9:53:28 PM) Jake: Telemarketing is definitely something I've never done before.
(9:53:50 PM) Matt: *snort* I... applaud your... positivity.
(9:54:13 PM) Jake: Yeah, telemarketing is pretty low.
(9:55:15 PM) Matt: I'd sooner dishbitch again. That's good honest work at least.
(9:55:50 PM) Jake: No, be honest. Even if its not quite fulfilling, would you REALLY sink your hands into that water than sit back and telemarket?
(9:56:04 PM) Matt: Yes. I am dead serious.
(9:56:09 PM) Jake: Oy.
(9:56:18 PM) Matt: YMMV, of course.
(9:56:18 PM) Jake: I mean, I've never telemarketed before...
(9:56:23 PM) Matt: Me neither.
(9:56:30 PM) Matt: It's against my religion.
(9:56:30 PM) Jake: But I'm getting quite sick of this twelve hours on my feet shit.
(9:56:42 PM) Matt: Yeah.
(9:57:00 PM) Jake: And we've got telemarketers here who are paying eight dollars an hour.
(9:57:02 PM) Jake: That's not bad.
(9:57:04 PM) Jake: In fact...
(9:57:06 PM) Jake: o_o
(9:57:18 PM) Matt: Yeah, it'd be something like that here too.
(9:57:37 PM) Jake: I'd consider selling my soul at that price.
(9:57:41 PM) Matt: I think
(9:57:43 PM) Matt: lol
(9:57:48 PM) Jake: I'm completely serious.
(9:57:57 PM) Jake: Its an easy ass job, for good money.
(9:58:14 PM) Jake: All you have to do is be content with the knowledge that millions of people think you're a dick.
(9:58:24 PM) Matt: Too much for me.
(9:58:43 PM) Matt: Especially combined with the fact that I hate the phone to begin with.
(9:58:46 PM) Jake: I'm in a moral conundrum over fucking telemarketing.
(9:58:56 PM) Matt: At least on helpdesk I have the knowledge that I'm doing something beneficial
(9:59:00 PM) Matt: lol
(9:59:06 PM) Jake: Don't rub it in.
(9:59:31 PM) Matt: I have to, I can't just sit here and let my friend become a telemarketer without any resistance.
(9:59:49 PM) Jake: Even if it means more money and less sore feet?
(10:00:02 PM) Matt: At the price of your soul!
(10:00:44 PM) Jake: Seriously, now. Its irritating, but does it really hurt anybody?
(10:02:57 PM) Matt: I'll let your conscience answer that question.
(10:03:44 PM) Jake: Hey, man. Supply and demand. Its obviously an effective business procedure.
(10:05:13 PM) Matt: So is spamming.
(10:06:03 PM) Jake: Spamming is a nuisance, but do I have the right to defeat it?
(10:08:17 PM) Matt: If you want to talk econ, remember the basics: to the extent that the costs and benefits aren't internalized by the actors, goods (or bads as the case may be) will be correspondingly over or undersupplied. The full cost of telemarketing isn't borne by the telemarketers -- they bear the cost of getting someone to do it but I bear the cost of annoyance.
(10:08:45 PM) Matt: The day I can charge anyone a dollar for an unsolicited call, then you can be a telemarketer with a clean conscience.
(10:09:38 PM) Jake: Good point.
(10:09:46 PM) Jake: Fuck. I can't be a telemarketer.
(10:10:05 PM) Matt: Sorry I had to do that to you.