(Ivanova was down in the kitchen cooking when a man in singled bloody armor walked in. She stared for a moment, before regaining compsure. Okay, just go with the crazy, it works out better.)
[Poland didn't recognize the woman in the kitchen from the time they'd spoken, and the sight of a stranger was enough to set off his shyness, making him linger awkwardly in the doorway. He wondered if he could just... hide behind the frame or something. Why were people so hard to talk to in person? And he was pretty sure she was looking at him funny, which made him look away, shuffling his feet slightly.]
Re: ActionalwaysaboomJanuary 30 2010, 23:31:31 UTC
Yeah, did you run into trouble?
(Obviously he did, but he didn't seem that bad over the network, so hopefully it was a rampaging monster and he wasn't a serial killer, because that would make her day suck.)
(OOC: If you can, my longsword instructor had a $50 bet going, for anyone who could get into platemail without assistance -- not possible.)
[Looks a bit stressed at that question, because seriously, Nazis keep harshing his chill.]
Yeaaaah, like, just a bit. Liet's gonna flip his lid when he finds out I got into another fight, but...
[Worth it.]
That sounds totally good. What kind of soup? [Maybe he'll make some pierogi as a side...Potato, cheese, and mushroom?]
[OOC: I've seen my reenacting group leader do chain-with-bits-of-plate pretty close to on his own, and I'm assuming that because Poland had to put his on by himself, he's a)not fully armored, and b)capable of taking what he does have on off by himself, if somewhat awkwardly. He has had 450 years to get used to the stuff.]
Well, like, you know. It happens. Liet thinks I should like, be more careful or whatever, but like, when people go around starting stuff... [But yes, he still does look like a prissy little princess, even like this.]
I... like, never got his name. Germany's citizen. He was totally hurting some kid on the communicator-thing, and...Yeah.
[OOC: Well, I'm three and a half years out of practice, so... ^^; Ffff, and probably going back to Japan. Maybe I'll take up kenjutsu just so I don't lose my edge.]
[He has the bits of plate off, and leans over to start shrugging his way out of the chainmail.]
[OOC: Never did aikido, but I've always thought I should take up something a little more grappling-intensive, since most of my training is with swords or staves or shields. Maybe jujitsu. Idk... That's interesting, though!]
...Uh. Like. Hi?
I'm like, Poland.
Uhm, I can like, take my armor off? My clothes are still gonna be kinda grody right now, but I guess it's better than leaving the armor on...
[Aaaaaand he doesn't want to go back to his room yet. He works on unfastening his gauntlets, so he can get the rest of it off with less trouble.]
Like, what are you making?
(Obviously he did, but he didn't seem that bad over the network, so hopefully it was a rampaging monster and he wasn't a serial killer, because that would make her day suck.)
(OOC: If you can, my longsword instructor had a $50 bet going, for anyone who could get into platemail without assistance -- not possible.)
Just soup and salad.
Yeaaaah, like, just a bit. Liet's gonna flip his lid when he finds out I got into another fight, but...
[Worth it.]
That sounds totally good. What kind of soup? [Maybe he'll make some pierogi as a side...Potato, cheese, and mushroom?]
[OOC: I've seen my reenacting group leader do chain-with-bits-of-plate pretty close to on his own, and I'm assuming that because Poland had to put his on by himself, he's a)not fully armored, and b)capable of taking what he does have on off by himself, if somewhat awkwardly. He has had 450 years to get used to the stuff.]
Just chicken and matzo balls. (OMG; I love the russian version with ground meat.)
(OOC; Lol, yeah, I imagined Poland in chain and half plate for the fight.)
[He continues working on de-armoring himself.]
[OOC: Agreed. Also, hello, fellow sword geek?]
(OOC: I'm actually pretty bad at it, although I passed the page test.)
[OOC: Well, I'm three and a half years out of practice, so... ^^; Ffff, and probably going back to Japan. Maybe I'll take up kenjutsu just so I don't lose my edge.]
(OOC: Yeah, it suprised me how much German longsword grappling techniques are almost identical to akkido.)
[He has the bits of plate off, and leans over to start shrugging his way out of the chainmail.]
[OOC: Never did aikido, but I've always thought I should take up something a little more grappling-intensive, since most of my training is with swords or staves or shields. Maybe jujitsu. Idk... That's interesting, though!]
There needs to be more to do here.
(OOC: I guess the human body has it's weak points, and thosearen't going to change too much between cultures.)
Like, thanks.
...What, you mean like, besides going crazy and getting into fights? I'd be all over that.
[OOC: Yeah, that makes sense.]
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