Seventy-Sixth Entry [Video]

Nov 29, 2011 00:27

[Okay. Okay, so Dave has pretty much been... just sort of not noticing or ignoring his attention so far, he guesses? Which is lame, but he has another plan up his flower-covered, voluminous sleeve!]

So, like, I've been thinking! [Off to a good start, not looking too nervous yet...]Okay, so last time I was here, I went, like, two years without any ( Read more... )

abusing elective monarchy, priorities: a little skewed, tempting fate, entranceway, no seriously what, boys are stupid, relationships, shy, dress-up!, subtlety is for suckers, dude looks like a lady, dave, ic, event: onsen, this can't end well, event: mancrushes, gonna give liet a heart attack, pushy brat, video

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[video] coolstriderbro November 29 2011, 17:45:10 UTC
[Say what? Still, never let it be said that Bro can't keep his cool no matter what. Still, there is one small matter to settle]

First rule of Striders: you make him King, I'm automatically promoted to royalty too. Just call me your King Brother or however it is these things work.


[video] reckless_eagle November 29 2011, 19:46:26 UTC

We're like, actually not so into hereditary monarchy anymore? It was cool while it lasted, but that was so last century. So these days, we totally elect a new king whenever, y'know, there's a need for it... but I guess you'd totes be raised to the nobility either way?


[video] coolstriderbro November 29 2011, 19:53:33 UTC
Whatever makes it make sense in your little version of reality. Either way, you didn't think you were gonna run off with my little brother, making him King and I wouldn't notice, did you?


[video] reckless_eagle November 29 2011, 20:08:49 UTC
Well, like, I didn't know he had a brother here. I'm totally gonna have to talk about it with my partner, 'kay?

[Poland doesn't take well to being bossed around, and the event is only clouding his judgment about one person.]


[video] coolstriderbro November 29 2011, 20:15:55 UTC
[It's not bossing, per se. More just that Bro is ridiculously protective over the one person Poland's obsessing over]

In that case hi, I'm Dave's older brother, hurt him and I'm the one you'll be answering to.

Now. This partner of yours. Tell me more.


[video] 1/2 reckless_eagle November 29 2011, 20:25:34 UTC
[In that case... Poland goes, for a moment, into Serious Knight Mode.]

I'd never hurt Dave. There's like, nothing in the world that could make me.


[video] 2/2 reckless_eagle November 29 2011, 20:26:41 UTC
Um, what about him? I've known him for, like, 250 years, so, y'know, he's totally solid if that's what you're worried about?


coolstriderbro November 29 2011, 20:29:40 UTC
Glad to hear it.

[He'll still be keeping a close eye on proceedings, from the shadows. But for now he'll take him at his word]

That works. Just as long as he's not about to flip his shit over you making someone else your king or something.


reckless_eagle November 29 2011, 21:22:12 UTC
I totally can't see that happening.

[Fate: TEMPTED.]


coolstriderbro November 29 2011, 21:27:29 UTC
Well, you'd know better than me. Striders are pretty enviable beasts, though.


reckless_eagle November 29 2011, 21:38:49 UTC
Liet and I are like, total besties. There's nothing to worry about!


coolstriderbro November 29 2011, 21:43:58 UTC
Holding you to that.


reckless_eagle November 29 2011, 21:49:05 UTC
Yeah, totes~


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