Second Entry [Action / Video]

Jan 09, 2010 22:30

[Hey, America. Remember when Poland was all on about going back to his room and behaving?]

[He was lying. Like a dog. He can't believe you bought that, for real!]

[So thanks to, you know, circumstances, Poland's latent proclivity towards delinquency rebellion is manifesting a few centuries earlier than it otherwise might have. Germany, Prussia, Russia, and Austria would all probably be utterly unsurprised to know that he's gotten himself mixed up with the little insurgent movement that's forming, and, having done some highly inadvisable improvised explosive stuff with black powder to open his door (since it's the only explosive he knows of, and the battering ram thing wasn't working so hot this time, and he couldn't reach any pickable lock, and the sliding-the-bolt-up-with-something-thin trick didn't turn out so great either), is now is out roaming the halls and making trouble.]

[Lavi wanted a distraction, and if they need more distracting than an armor-clad trap walking around, crossbows akimbo, shooting cameras and setting off alarms all over the place and grinning... Well, he could doubtless come up with something, but that seems like enough for now ♥]

[Various video cameras, both America's and the Mansion's, might pick up glances of him, just before they get crossbow'd into utter nonfunctionality, either with a bolt or a heavy blow from the butt end. He might not be technologically advanced, but by God, he can smash stuff!]

using a trap as a diversion, action, wtf america, ic, screw the rules i have sovereignty, tempting fate, for your freedom and ours, event: swine flu, gonna give liet a heart attack, video

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