yaoi_chan's lovely list

Jan 03, 2007 16:40

The following list can be found on yaoi_chan's LJ as well.


1) You've named pets after the band members.

2) You can sing Mustapha by heart, and you probably know the translation.

3) Your mp3 player or playlist has nothing but Queen and solo projects of the other band members.

4) Your favourite threat to someone else is "...or I will tie your mother down."

5) You write Queen slash. Enough said. ;D

6) You've changed, are going to change, or wish to change your last name to Mercury, May, Taylor, or Deacon.

7) Everyone calls you "Queenie".

8) You incorperate Queen lyrics into conversations.

9) You have put Freddie, Brian, Roger, and/or John on your christmas list.

10) You've made a "to-do" list that consists of Freddie, Brian, Roger, and/or John.

11) You can name most/all of the songs, what album they were on, what year, and who wrote it.

12) You listen to "Lazing On A Sunday Afternoon" every/almost every Sunday afternoon.

13) You religously paint only your left hand's fingernails either black or white, or
switch between the two.

14) You send emo's the song "Don't Try Suicide" just for kicks.

15) You carry around pictures of Queen and/or your fave band member in your wallet as if they were family pictures.


The following additions thanks to ladyrednose

16) You can tell which side they "dress" on and can identify pictures of them from the waist down without even seeing the top half

17) You've ever written a slash with Peter Freestone, Feebie, or any other auxiliary characters, especially with any degree of accuracy

18) You can think of other bands or people you'd like to do covers of Queen songs that would actually be good covers

19) You own every song in every format possible, including 8-track

20) Your kids can sing along to the songs with you

21) You wear a Queen badge/pin on the inside of your business attire, since it's not appropriate

22) You ask your husband/boyfriend/whoever to please affect a British accent to help get you "in the mood"

23) You get dirty thoughts watching John play bass on FBG

24) You special order Quality Street because Freddie used to eat it

25) You compile lists of ways to tell that you're obsessed with Queen

26) If you drive a Mercury and have named it "Freddie"


The following additions thanks to divinedesires

27) Your screen name or net handle has some relevancy to Queen (be it songs or members).

28) You tirelessly search through eBay in hopes of finding a pair of Red Special earrings

29) When bored, you fiddle and play with Photoshop until you've come up with a slew of Queen icons

30) You write bits and pieces of Queen lyrics when bored

31) You claim it'll be the end of the world when Brian finally found a way to straighten his hair and KEEP IT.

32) You'll also claim it'll be the end of the world when John comes out of hiding and openly admits it.

33) You show a guy friend a picture of Break Free Rog just to see his reaction.

34) You start to show a resemblence to one of the members

35) If you're an artist (visual, writing or music), your works are inspired by Queen, and you've quite a handful of tributes to them.

36) You try and get anything related to Queen on customisable clothes and items

37) You want/have a pair of white 70's clogs ala Brian May, and a pair of rainbow toe-socks.

38) You search through vintage and retro stores to get necklaces and bracelets 'just like Queen'.

39) You sing Queen songs to yourself and not matter if anyone finds it embarassing, it's Queen, after all ;D

40) You dance to 'Don't Stop Me Now' in public and not care if your spontaneous act might be considered a little indecent when trying to copy Freddie's stage move

41) Curry and Indian food are the only kind of 'exotic' food you'll ever eat.

42) Milk and cheese on toast are a MUST every August 19.

43) You don't care how high brow it is, Moet en Chandon is a must for your parties.

44) Naked mud wrestlers are also a must for your party...along with the theme of 'Black and White drag'.

45) When washing your car, you'll sing along to "I'm In Love With My Car".

46) You'll have 'Another One Bites the Dust' play at your funeral (or wedding, depending which situation is more grave XD)

47) Cats are now your favourite animal, no exception.

48) You know what 'ANATO' means and not confuse it with the Japanese word (which sounds like "anata", which means "you")


The following additions thanks to mrs_mercury

49) You look for ANYTHING that was once owned by one of the band members, even if it's the ugliest thing you've ever seen, you'll buy it.

50) You cry when you see Queen merchandise in front of you, but (for whatever reason) you are unable to purchase it.

51) You talk to your Queen pictures, CDs, tapes, ect. and don't mind/notice when they give you the silent treatment.

52) You become angry when someone says they dislike Queen and keep naming Queen songs until they finally agree that they like 'just that one song.'

53) Whenever someone says they don't know who Queen is you give them a long, detailed history of the band; it's music and members and it usually ends with the Queen and Paul Rodgers tour.

54) You downloaded one of their shows from Japan, just so you can have an excuse to watch Queen in your Japanese class.

55) You have/want to take a picture of a band member to your hair dresser and happily told them, 'Make me look like him!'

56) Someone you overhear mentions one word that is in a Queen song and you start singing the song, uncaring if you are in public.

57) You watch a long, boring movie just because you heard that there's a Queen song in it.

58) You start saying words because you heard one of Queen's members say it once.

59) You talk to yourself in a British accent, because it makes you feel like you're talking to a band member.

60) You see someone wearing a Queen shirt and stop short screaming 'Oh my god! That guy's wearing a Queen shirt!'

61) You buy a ridiculous piece of clothing, just because it *looks* like something someone in Queen *would* have worn.

62) Something memorable happened and you don't remember what you said or what you were thinking, but you remember exactly what Queen song you were listening to when it

63) You pride yourself that you are the same height as Freddie/Roger/Brian/John or you buy shoes so you become the same height as them. (5' 10 1/2'' my dear!)

64) You know things about Queen/band members that you really don't want to know... but you still pride yourself in knowing.

65) Someone politely inquires 'So you like Queen?' and you pull out any/every Queen-related item you have on you like it's a contest.

66) You've contemplated/have a shrine dedicated to any/all of the Queen boys.

67) You've pre-named all of your children and all of their names are in some way related to Queen.

68) You've tried to contact a family/friend of one of the Queen boys, in hopes that they'll introduce you.

69) When you hear a Queen song on the radio or in a store/other public place, you automatically assume that it was either played for you or that it's playing because *you* are listening.


Sooooo. Lessee...
1) Guilty. I named a teddy bear after Brian just because we don't have any pets. XD

2) More or less guilty. I can't sing it completely by heart and I don't know the whole translation. XD

3) Not guilty because I don't have a mp3. XD

4) Not guilty because English isn't my mother tongue XDD

5) Not guilty

6) Not guilty. Yet. XD I wouldn't mind time-warping to 1974 and marrying a certain man so that my last name would be changed to Taylor.

7-8) Not guilty, see 4)

9) If I only knew their addresses >8

10) Guilty. XD In my head only, though.

11-13) Guilty!

14) Not guilty! XD


16) More or less guilty and effing proud of it XDDDD

17) Not guilty

18) Not sure. Haven't heard much Queen covers, but McFly's "Don't Stop Me Now" and Metallica's "Stone Cold Crazy" were pretty good.

19) Not guilty

20) Not guilty (because i don't have kids XDD)

21-22) Not guilty

23) I need to watch FBG before answering this. Probably guilty. XD

24) Not guilty

25) Not guilty

26) Not guilty

27) Guilty (I'm Scaramouche on most sites XD)

28) Not guilty... just because I don't have my ears pierced. And just a few days back I thought that one of my xmas/birthday present wishes this year will be that I'll have them pierced and then I'll get Red Special earrings. XDD

29) Not guilty

30-32) Extremely guilty

33) Not guilty. Because I don't have any guy friends ;___;

34-36) Guilty

37) Half guilty. Not the clogs but the socks. XD

38-40) Extremely guilty

41) Not guilty

42) Not guilty because Aug 19th is also my little brother's birthday (grr!!) and I eat them about every day XD

43-45) Not guilty. I'm not rich enough and I don't have a car XD

46-47) Not guilty

48) Guilty

49-50) More or less guilty. Depends on the situation. XD

51) Not guilty

52-53) Extremely guilty

54) Not guilty because I don't study Japanese. XD

55) ... I almost did once. XD

56) Not guilty, see 4)

57) Not guilty

58) Am I guilty, darling?

59) Not guilty

60) Would probably be guilty but I've never seen anyone apart from me wear a Queen shirt >8

61) Not guilty, because Queen never wore anything ridiculous. (And untuvainen can think whatever she wants about Freddie's bodysocks.)

62) Hasn't happened. Would probably be guilty. XD

63) But I am the same height as Roger!

64-66) GUILTY ! And I do have the shrine. XD

67) Not guilty, see 20)

68) Not guilty

69) Not guilty because I'd never believe someone would be so kind to me, especially when the kind deed related to Queen XD But everytime I hear even a second of Queen somewhere I start grinning like an idiot and hum the song the rest of the day. XD

queen, public post

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