XION (she worked two jobs and didn't buy much for herself this month in order to afford all this)
Alphonse → A very cute cat plush.
Amaterasu → A
snowglobe necklace! Because earrings would look kinda weird on Ammy.
Aqua → A necklace with a key pendant. Aqua teach her how to make a Wayfinder )':
Arietta → A sweater with
Axel → A book of terrible jokes and puns that completely reminded her of him. Also, a charm bracelet that has the word "best" on it, that seems to connect with something else...
Demyx → A stand for his sitar!
Genkaku → This one is anonymous, and it's not really a gift... but he's getting a seashell, with a piece of paper sticking out of it. The note reads, "Maybe you're not so bad after all."
Goku → A huge gift basket of food-some of it she bought, some of it (mostly baked stuff) she made herself.
Hope → ABSOLUTELY NOTHING-oh who am I kidding. Since she's his Secret Santa, he's getting a lot of very nice things! A necklace with a little boomerang charm, as well as a memory box with a picture of an
aster tataricus on it (fun fact: its Japanese name is pronounced the same as hers, and it means 'I won't forget you' in Japanese floriography. SYMBOLISM, SYMBOLISM EVERYWHERE). The latter already has a bunch of pictures of them together and a shell inside it, but has space for way more stuff. She is also going to make him the best goddamn Christmas dinner ever.
Kairi → One of those
glass ornaments that have a picture of something inside it-in this case, it's shaped like a heart, with a crown inside. Also,
this sweater.
a mini-version of this necklace as a keychain, and stuff to... take care of her gunblade with.
Kurt → SOME NICE CLOTHES, she went with him down to the planet a couple of times so she doubled back and visited those stores again. Also a fedora 'cause they're really cool.
Maka → A gift card to her favorite smoothie place, as well as a
fancy bracelet.
Medicine → A couple of
flower hair pins.
Meiling →
These three books. Enough said.
Mieu → A POT WITH A LOT OF GRASS. Also a keychain of a star, because he told her he liked Star but then she left. ;_;
Naminé → A really nice dress, purse, and big floppy sun hat. All white, of course. Aaand
this sweater. (There was a sale and Xion could not resist buying all four of them. She has
this one.)
Renge →
This beret!
Riku → A keychain she clumsily made herself from one of her favorite shells. JUST TRY AND FORGET ABOUT HER THIS TIME, RIKU.
Ritsuka → A photo album and picture frames for him to put his pictures into.
Roxas → New, more casual clothes! That still have that ridiculous Square-Enix character charm to them. And of course, a gift card to everyone's favorite ice cream shop. Last but not least, a charm bracelet that has the word "friends" on it, that seems to connect to two others. Guess who has the last connected charm bracelet that says "forever"?
Seto → A scrapbook and new art supplies! The first page in the book is her own little drawing of him, since he gave her one.
Shirley → A stuffed animal (up to you what it is, Sora...!), because Shirley was sad in her last post and stuffed animals always cheer Xion up.
Sho → A book of math puzzles! ...HE'S GETTING A BETTER (or worse??) GIFT FROM NEKU, I apologize for the lameness.
Terra → A bracelet similar to Aqua's necklace!
Yoshimori → A bunch of decorative ingredients for desserts, like sprinkles and frosting and stuff.
Anyone on this list who was not around/not yet her friend for the posts they happened in also gets a
friendship bracelet and an
amazing pair of glasses. Other people she has CR with will get a bag of cookies! Since Yoshimori taught her how to make stuff and she has been pumping them out nonstop.
NEKU (he is not very good at giving gifts and he knows this)
Haruhi → 'Sup Secret Santa-he... has no idea what she'd like, so he's chancing it and giving her a gift card to a Japanese restaurant he frequents. (GO GET SOME FATTY TUNA, HARUHI)
Joshua → Nothing. :| ... Okay, fine, he gets a... really fancy wristwatch. Because what the hell do you give people.
Maka → A gift card to a nice bookstore! He knows she likes books, he just... doesn't know what kind she likes.
Minako → A CD of music that he likes to listen to, and a special painting he did for her, since she really liked his art.
Naoki → A universal gift card, because he wants to give Naoki a gift but... has absolutely no idea what to give him. ):
Sho → Just.
These shirts. Once he saw them, he knew he had to get them. PS
THIS SITE IS MAKING ME CRY WITH LULZ and then I start crying for being a gigantic nerd