How to love myself

Nov 20, 2014 23:14

Oh, hi! Is anybody reading this? Maybe one person. If so, great! If not, yeah, oh well.

I think the following is crap, at least logically. But it resonates emotionally so I think there is worth here.

Steps to loving myself:
1. I am not perfect - and that is OK.
2. It’s OK to not be perfect, because nobody is perfect.
3. Human perfection is not difficult, but impossible.
4. Trying to do the impossible is a waste of time.
5. So, don’t try to be perfect - and that is OK.
6. Perfection is not required and not possible. This applies to any specific action or principle I can think of.
7. This is especially true when I combine many things that I wish I were perfect at. Not possible. Not required.
8. So why I do I cling to “I should be perfect; I should never make mistakes”?
9. I can’t be perfect. Therefore, what I am is enough.
10. I am enough. Therefore, I can love myself.
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