Not an April Fool's joke

Apr 02, 2012 17:25

Yesterday was my 14th wedding anniversary.  We didn't do much to celebrate, but we did have a dinner at Chili's.  Chili's, of course, is not very fancy, but a Chili's in Denver was the place we had our first dinner together.

The bridge studies are coming along.  I went to the ginormous (over 100,000 books) Wake County library sale and snapped up every bridge book I could find.  Last day of sale: one bag, cost $2.  Score.  On the other half of the bridge efforts, I have been attending a bridge club.  Not surprising, I tend to come in last.  However, the last time it was because my partner was too experienced for a beginner's game.  I really need to find a regular partner so I don't have this problem.

Other than that, my life is remarkably the same.  Go to work, listen to downloaded books.   I don't think I'll mention them other than to say I hope the library will purchase the latest Harlan Coben.  They've been pretty good about purchasing Coben's works in the past so I'm trying to be patient.

Did I mention that the actuarial studies kind of petered out?  I may return to them, but they're on hold right now.   
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