Maybe faithful renditions of Frank Sinatra and Slayer?

Feb 27, 2010 07:17

So I dreamt last night me, Hiro and Sho were staying in this beach house, but the rest of my ship is too? We're trying to sleep and I hear muffled glass breaking. I wonder what it is but too lazy to get up. Then my lamp falls and breaks off my nightstand so I get up to investigate and find our sliding glass door to the overlook broken out.

I check to see if anything's stolen, and looks like they spooked and ran before getting anything (of note: I had everything I normally do in my entertainment center plus a PS3. Score!). The only thing missing is a warfare pin, I had glued a bunch of my "chest candy" to a window for whatever reason.

So I'm talking to other ship people about these damn thieves and trying to get someone from engineering(?) to come fix our door.

Then Sho for real is starting to wake up, and the whining in the monitor kind of stirs me. Hiro went and got him and put him into bed with us. I drift in and out for the next ten minutes before I'm supposed to get up, I kind of slide back into the dream but things have changed.

Now downstairs in the beach house is Antarctica (the NY bar), where some old Navy friends from various eras are hanging out along with #wiigii! I remember Ant and Monzo(!).

Right at the end of the dream, I tell Ant "It's like going to a Lynyrd Skynyrd concert where they only play new material and non-sequitor covers."

At that moment Sho kicked me in the face and woke me up. I'd love to remember the context of why I said that.

dream, sho, #wiigii!, navy, hiro

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