Sep 04, 2005 23:29
So I learned something this weekend. crazy. Lets face it, were all pretty loco.
I read something over Mario's that completely boggled my mind. It was a newspaper article. "Man kills mom, dog, self." Apparently some guy who seemed pretty normal was taking care of his ill mother. One day he just decided to bring a gun there and kill her, the family dog, and himself. I mean, this guy would take off during his lunch break to go see her and take care of her. It made me think twice about people, about everyone I know, and everyone I don't. People are fragile. One day you could get killed. No one really knows the complete mentality behind anyone, and it creeps me out. I know it sounds stupid, and I trust my friends and family, but not only in movies does shit like that happen. I mean the world isn't getting any brighter. The scariest thought I can ever think of is knowing the world isn't going to last forever, but thinking that it's going to end soon. I mean, I was watching The Dat After Tomorrow, which was just Hollywood, but I mean, what they were saying and explaining in that movie was very true. One day the ice caps are going to get fucked up and melt or cause some huge storm thats really going to fuck us over, and we are only helping it happen. I'm no treehugger, lol, but I mean, it's reality. I'd hate to think of a world without cars and cigarettes, but it just boggles my mind.
Enough about the world ending, This weekend was fun. Not much to say, not much was done. Michelle and I got lost in Philly, but made it back. And Mario gave me a key to his apartment. So I could break in any time, LOL. Not really. But we bought shit. And smoked a lot of weed. And had our close friends get mad. But everything is okay I hope.
Right now? I am sitting and typing.
It's gay.
But I'm doing it.
I bought these killer incense.
I should smoke a bowl and light them to cover the smell.
Oh shit, I dont have any WEED.
Fuck this.