truly madly deeply is the best savage garden song
001. time? 11:05
002. date? june 20, 2004
003. jewelry? 0
004. clothes? shorts from quite a while ago maybe 6th grade summmer that im happy still fit.
005. taste? watermelen.
006. sound? diffuser
007. crush? yo ders!
008. best friend? jessica jaser.
010. thing in sight?spray glue..i think that was a pretty good invention.
G e n e r a l I n f o r m a t o n
011. name? kimberley
012. nickname? kim.kimmme.
013. birthday? december 9.
014. sex? a girl
015. location? 348 calf pen lane
016. grade? freshmen
017. school? foran.
018. jobs? 0
019. siblings? kelly.
020. pets? boomer.
T h e L a s t
021. movie you saw? clockwork orange.
022. movie you rented? rounders!
023. song you listened to? megalomanic?incubus
024. person you talked to? jess.
025. person you called? mom
026. person that called you? haha
027. person you IMed? anders
028. person that sent you a text message? anders
029. thing you wrote? a diary entry
030. thing you read? newspaper
F r i e n d s
031. best? my sister
032. funniest? ian kelly.
033. trustworthy? kelly.
034. advice? my sister. tori
035. loudest? jess
036. quietest? me.
037. most athletic? kayla
038. most girly? katie
039. smartest? laura
040. fallen for? pffh a friend ..yeah..i think that we were friends for a while before i "fell" for him
C u r r e n t B u d d y L i s t
041. total people? 187
042. total people online? 50
043. away messages up? 33
044. people on cell phones? 1.
045. screen names you have? 4
H a v e Y o u E v e r
046. kissed someone? yea
047. kissed a stranger? monica's dad gave me a kiss on the cheek the first time i met him
048. snuck out at night? yep
049. run away?i wish
050. cursed at mom/dad? nope.
051. gone to church? long time.crazy long time
052. lied to someone you love? yeah
053. masturbated?well!
054. played spin the bottle? its been a while
055. gone skinny dipping? yes
056. showered? yes.
057. been to a funeral? i have
058. been to a bar/bat mitzvah? jewish adam spector "lost" my invitations :(
059. seen an R rated movie? never.
060. had sex? have notttt :(
D o Y o u
061. drink? no!
062. smoke or do drugs? none
063. have gay friends? i do
064. have lesbian friends? yes i do
065. have bisexual friends? of course
E i t h e r O r
066. hot or cold? i like being in the temp of 79
067. white or black? black
068. spring or fall? fall
069. looks or personality? personaility
070. sunrise or sunset? sunset
071. smart or stupid? smart.
072. video or dvd? dvd
073. tape or cd? record.
074. jock, prep, or skater? sketchy ass kid
075. serious or sarcastic? sarcastic
F u t u r e
076. college? i hope
077. career? i hope so
078. place of marriage? a pagoda
080. number of children? 2 or 3
081. two girls names? i dont know yet..zenon? lars?
082. two boys names? anders + nick
083. car? suberu imprezza
084. house? hopefully
085. place to live? most definalty milford ct
F a v o r i t e
086. movie? good burger
087. actor? johnny depppppp
088. actress? missy elliot- her role in Honey.
089. food? chicken cesare saled wraps from the everything cafe in the mall
090. drink? cream soda or peach fizzy cool water
091. alcoholic drink? i dont drink.
092. tv show? ooooh you know them..all the good shows
093. tv channel? 94
094. number? 13
095. song? autumns monolouge
96. band? abba
097. artist? george straight.
098. color? peach
099. thing to do? sing to myself
100. current time? 11:33