hey, i'm posting

Aug 10, 2006 02:04

stick that in your pipe and smoke it rachel dixon! anyway, i just figured that i'm going to kick myself later for not recording some of these nights, since i know my memory wont. anyways this whole entry will be like those first 2 sentences: very nonsensical. i've been trying to watch the news so as not to appear a total dumbass around my boyfriend, but i always end up falling asleep about 10 minutes into it ( i cant help it, their voices are so monotonous and soothing), so occasionally i'll come out with a malapropism that just makes me sound like an idiot anyways, damnit. just thought i'd explain how my nonsensical-ness is a reaccuring feature. aside from that, dheepa, priya, and melody came up to visit me today (yaay), which was cool cause i totally didnt think they'd ever get around to it. we went to marietta square with potter and emily, and i hope that was a good idea, but i have the feeling it was slightly awkward for them. anyways, that was mucho fun. and i've decided that in my dream house my furniture will dance like the table we saw in the knitting shop. they had to leave really early, unfortunately, and i hung around the house for awhile "cleaning" and getting ready for college i guess. then i went to an event that one of my friends organized on facebook (i know) at a football field in the park. i had no idea what was going on. someone told me we were playing capture the football (which by the way, would have totally made sense to me if someone had just said, "we are playing happy happy joy joy" but i guess that's just a vestavia thing). anyways, that turned into ultimate frisbee, and i, being a girl, never got to really play. which was probably for the better since i'm not terribly good at ultimate frisbee. i think the main factor of it being awesome was the fact that i got to hang out with a lot of people i hadn't seen all summer, and a lot of people that i never really knew all that well while i was going to school with them, and of course nicholas!  after that all us dehydrated people hung out at this guy's pool and told a bunch of one-liner jokes (which is something i am pretty good at, yay, so i got to redeem myself). oh, but before that we went to QT and juan and the dude called me and showed up randomly trying to mooch money off of people, and of course, everyone managed to peel out of there, but juan hops in my car as i'm cranking it and i get stuck with them for another 15 minutes or so. normally, i wouldnt mind hanging out with them, in fact i usually do, but they just wanted money for a shake and i was really sweaty and couldnt wait to hop in a pool. i feel kinda bad now, since juan put red loafers in my mailbox in exchange for a $2 shake..........but actually, wait, no i dont. they were being really annoying. so yeah, if i had to sum it all up, today has been a really good day, one of the best this summer. (aside from that amazing, illuminating, life-changing road trip to disney world, of course!) now all the packing and craziness starts.
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