Cheerleader Sign-Ups for Authors - Open Now!

Oct 18, 2012 01:03

As promised, here are the recast_bb cheerleader sign-ups! This set of sign-ups is for those of you wishing to be paired with authors - a separate set of sign-ups will open later for artists' cheerleaders. Don't worry, no one will be left out; everyone deserves some cheering on! :)

If you're interested in cheering on one of our amazing writers, please comment below using the following form. For more information on what cheerleading entails, please check this post - don't worry, it's nothing scary! Basically, it all boils down to being friends with the person taking part, and helping them through the good and bad times of a big bang :D

LJ Username:
Over 18?:
Are there any fandoms you would prefer to cheerlead for, or are you willing to cheer any writer on?:
Are you willing to cheerlead het, slash, femslash or gen? (Or all of them?)
Do you want to cheerlead one or more authors? If more then one, how many are you comfortable with?
How often are you going to check in with/cheer your author on in some way?
Do you have any squicks or triggers - is there anything you won’t cheerlead?
Are you participating in the Big Bang, too? If you are, what are you doing?
Any other comments?:

Don't worry, there are no right or wrong answers to the questions, and no pressure to answer one way or another. This is just so we can do our best to match up good cheering-writing pairs! Anyone can cheerlead in the bang, even if you're taking part in some other way (e.g. as an author/artist), and you can sign up to cheer on as many people as you like (and even more when artist cheerleading sign-ups open!).

Remember, if you're an author who doesn't want a cheerleader, or who needs a cheerleader ASAP, please comment on this post. Otherwise, every author and artist who signs up to the bang will be assigned a cheerleader!

(All comments will be screened, so don't worry when you don't see anyone else's replies)

sign up, !modpost

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