Mar 18, 2004 15:49
so yeah... it's been about 30 years since i've actually sat online for longer than 5 minutes, and even longer since i've updated. i'm really sorry, i know you all probably hate me now... but here's what's been up with me, if ya'll give a shite.....
we've STILL been trying to organize this band shit. it sucks man! nothing will freaking just work out already. brian's out though. i can't stand that kid anymore hahah. we recruited PJ... he's an amazing guitarist but he wants to play drums instead. so... whatever, that's cool i guess. maybe he'll just help me out with a lot of guitar stuff. works better than eric from brunswick anyway. i've been going to a lot of concerts recently... it's been a lot of fun. i don't ever like being home really anymore... i am convinced that my mother is seriously insane. it's like she's always bitching at someone, at some point in time. and now you can't even have one steady conversation with her, without her bringing up god or jesus or the bible or something. ugh. do you KNOW how annoying that gets?? i've been goin to friend's houses and hangin out a lot too. i went to the macabre show last night... they were nuts. i love them. eric olschlager was there too and i guess him and i are starting ANOTHER band... so i'll have two. i'm doing low exhumed vocals and playing rythm guitar, should be a lot of fun. we're gonna start up around the summer. i caught a fuggin flu yesterday too! i slept for thirteen freaking hours last night. craziness! me and paul are talkin about goin back down to florida again in september... i gave in and agreed to make another trip with the annoyance. it'll be fun though! damnit. i also might be going to florida next month too! while the kiddies are on spring break, so that should be pretty sweet too. alex calls me every weekend from this other place he's at down in alabama. god i miss that kid. i haven't heard from him much lately, i'm probably always out when he calls... must draw him a picture and send him mail some time soon. MY RICK almost had to move to texas! his mom lost the manager job at the apartments they lived at and i guess his step-dad wanted to go down there because of family. that's all over with and cleared up and he's not going now though... *phwew* i don't know what i would have done with myself.
i was getting all excited cause the weather was getting nice... and warm again, like where you wouldn't need a jacket AT ALL sometimes. it was great. but no. the day before yesterday god decided to open up his holy butt and dump like a foot of show on us. what a jerk! seriously. i just want srping and summer to be here already. buuuut annyywayyyy... hope all is well with ya'll. sorry i'm such a freaking prick and i'm never on anymore. take care!