Oct 28, 2007 17:09
B.LEGAL Denny/Alan, 'Puff the Magic Dragon' by maidavids (songvid)
How does this vidder do it? She takes these hokey songs, and turns them into the most perfect, funny, touching songvids. This one is totally glorious. Highly recommended.
(tags: boston:legal denny/alan pg-13 maidavids songvid highly:recced crack)
BSG No Pairing, 'Cuz I Can' by dualbunny (songvid)
Oh, *Starbuck*. God, she's so full of passion and life, and Dualbunny captures that perfectly.
(tags: battlestar:galactica no:pairing pg-13 dualbunny songvid character:study)
BtVS Various Pairings, 'Tragedy' by dualbunny (songvid)
The most brilliantly emo songvid for Spike. *wipes away tears of mirth* So perfect. Highly recommended.
(tags: buffy various:pairings pg-13 dualbunny songvid angst crack highly:recced)
D.ANGEL No Pairing, 'I Like the Way You Move' by Thandie (songvid)
There are so few decent songvids of Dark Angel, but this one is a spectacular homage to Alec, complete with semi-nudity, man-hugging, and cage fighting. What's not to love?
(tags: dark:angel no:pairing pg-13 thandie songvid super:powers sport)
DM Danger Mouse/Penfold, 'Groove is in the Heart' by frivolity65 (songvid)
OMG. How much do I adore this songvid? *holds arms wide* Danger Mouse is my favourite superhero of all time.
(tags: danger:mouse dm/penfold pg-13 frivolity65 songvid crack adventure anime)
D.ZONE Various Pairings, 'Ooh La La' by greensilver (songvid)
On first viewing I was a little underwhelmed by this songvid, but oh, how it's grown on me. It's a perfect visual summary of the best and worst of Johnny's gift. Highly recommended.
(tags: dead:zone various:pairings pg-15 greensilver songvid super:powers highly:recced)
MULTI No Pairing, 'Zombie Jamboree' by giandujakiss (songvid)
Zombies! Singing and dancing zombies! There is no bad here. Highly recommended.
(tags: multi:fandom no:pairing pg-13 lithiumdoll songvid horror music highly:recced)
NCIS No Pairing, 'Be Somebody' by tearful_eye (songvid)
I love the use of repetition in this gorgeous, haunting character study of Tony. So good. Highly recommended.
(tags: ncis no:pairing pg-15 tearful_eye songvid friendship:romance angst character:study highly:recced)
SGA McKay/Sheppard, 'Men Of Devotion' by chayiana (songvid)
Let me tell you about my love for this vid. See, it's the perfect meld of cheese, geekery, and adorableness. It makes me laugh every time, and want to squish the boys so much. *squishes* Oh, boys! Highly recommended.
(tags: stargate:atlantis mckay/sheppard pg-13 chayiana songvid happy date highly:recced)
boston legal,
stargate: atlantis,
dark angel,
dead zone,