Gravity Falls - "Airtime" de RadioActivity

May 26, 2016 17:17

Titre : Airtime
Auteur : RadioActivity
Fandom : Gravity Falls
Statut : terminée
Nombre de mots : 6 627
Rating : Explicite
Langue : Anglais
Genres : UA, porn slash, un soupçon de romance peut-être
Persos/Couples : Bill/Dipper
Résumé : Dipper appelle un service de téléphone rose pour la première fois. Initialement nerveux, il se "réchauffe" rapidement au contact de l'enjôleur opérateur. Peut-être un peu trop.

Pourquoi vous devez absolument lire cette fic ?
- La situation assez originale
- Fic courte, en deux chapitres
- Très bon porn, bien décrit (il faut, vu que ça se passe au téléphone)
- Dirty talk
- human!Bill plutôt charismatique, car mystérieux et prenant les choses en main
- Il s'assure régulièrement du consentement de Dipper quand il prend les commandes et raconte le fantasme. Il le fait de façon naturelle, sans que ça fasse coupure en plein milieu

Extrait :
“Woah, kid, take it easy, huh? Deep breaths and we'll start from the beginning.” Dipper’s skin burned hot, reddened from his forehead all the way down his neck. He rubbed his knees together uncomfortably.. Raking his fingers through his curly brown hair, he cleared his throat.

“O-okay. Right. Where is that?” He reached up, awkwardly loosening his tie.

“Okay. First things first. What's your name?” The voice over the phone sounded nice. It was a warm, comforting voice... one that he really enjoyed listening to. He held the phone to his ear, leaning forward.

“Um...” Dipper’s tongue was stuck to the roof of his mouth, and he worked to free it.

“Okay, we'll wait on that one.” The phone voice went on. “Tell me about you.”

“I have a birthmark on my forehead. It's the little dipper. I wear a blue trucker hat with a Pine Tree on it...” Dipper muttered.

“Pine Tree! How about that? Can I call you Pine Tree?” Dipper blushed.

“Yeah... Pine Tree.” he agreed. “That’s good.”

Points faibles :
- Pas ou peu de worldbuilding
- Pas de porn IRL
- Une fin assez frustrante

fandom:gravity falls, genre:ua, genre:yaoi, statut:achevé, langue:anglais, genre:érotique

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