wednesday: nc-17

Nov 09, 2011 08:29

Above & Below
murron| NC-17 | Spoilers: Up to 6.10 | Warnings: Graphic depictions of violence, mentions of torture | Casefic
After the events of Caged Heat Dean, Sam and Cas climb into Hell to get Sam’s soul. While they pass from one infernal circle to the next, Dean struggles with his mistrust of soulless Sam and the shadow of his own past in the Pit. In addition, there’s the matter of Cas who’s come to mean more to Dean than he wants to admit. Fighting against Hell spawn and fallen angels, passing through burned cities and salt deserts, Dean believes in the success of their mission until their luck runs out and Hell threatens to swallow Cas whole.

One of my absolute favourites to come out of this year's DCBB. The quality of the writing is phenomenal, but for me the real draw of this story is the way in which murroncreates an eerie and visceral hellscape to provide fascinating character insight into Dean, Sam and Cas. All three are thoroughly whumped throughout the fic, but the ending is ultimately a very natural one, and the way in which the D/C relationship progresses feels both realistic and natural. Definitely one for the 'must-read' pile.

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reccer: electricskeptic, theme: nc-17

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