It's been a while, but once again I'll try to help people out with specific requests. I'll rec fics to the first five people who respond.
You can request:
1 - A fandom in general (I'm looking for some really neat Tantei Gakuen Q fanfic!)
2 - A fandom and "style" (I'm looking for Gundam Wing Schoolfic; I want Kenshin epic drama)
3 - A style with a list of fandoms (I love schoolfic, and I'd like to see some in Gundam Wing, Kenshin, or Hikaru no Go).
4 - By character (I want Fruits Basket Kyou fic!)
Anything's fair game, but if I don't know the fandom, I'm not going to be much help.
Fandoms I've recced in the past Meme Closed