Rec: Pick Out Your Cloud (Kyou Kara Maou)

Jun 30, 2008 16:57

Story: Pick Out Your Cloud
Author: Kali Cephirot
Fandom: Kyou Kara Maou
Genre: Back story, romance
Pairing/Character: Onesided Wolfram/Julia
Summary: Clouds have shape just because people say they do. Just like Wolfram’s ‘friendship’ with Julia.

Squeeing: This is one of those fics I've been looking for - it develops Wolfram's relationship with Julia in a canon-based way, and has a really great portrayal of both characters. And the end is perfect.

Excerpt: Wolfram was so startled by hearing another voice so close to him that he almost fell from the branch he was sitting on. That tree had been his secret hiding for over fifteen years: not even Conrad had known about it. Whenever he had been teased, denied something or just felt lonely, he had climbed upon it and he had gazed upon the landscape of Shin Makoku until there was nothing else in his mind.

kyou kara maou, kali cephirot

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