Sorry it took so long to rec somemore
Warning both fics are rated for Adults
Claim: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, character Spike
Title: The Right Thing
Author: jl1980
Characters: Spike/Buffy
Prompt: 03 Angst
Rating NC-17
Length: Saga
Breif Summary: After the Iniative, where did the soldiers go?
Link to Story: Claim: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Character Spike
Title: Biting the Bot
Author: Mega-Tam
characters: Spike/Bot, Spike/Buffy
Prompt: 04 fluff
Rating: NC-17
Length: Short
Brief Summary: Another smut-tacular collaboration between Megan and Tam! Season 5's Intervention but seriously veers off canon *schnerk!* A light-hearted and slightly smutty look at what the consequences might have been if Spike had taken just a little nibble of the Buffybot!
Link to story: