"Finding the Words" & "A Far Better Present"

Dec 18, 2008 17:14

Claim: Star Wars, Anakin/Obi-Wan
Prompt: 23. Time
Title: Finding the Words
Author: freedomfry
Rating: PG
Length: short
Brief summary: Special, sullen, and stranger are just some of the many words that Obi-Wan has used to describe Anakin Skywalker over the years.
Link: http://freedomfry.livejournal.com/180574.html

Claim: Star Wars, Anakin/Obi-Wan
Prompt: 42. Holiday
Title: A Far Better Present
Author: imadra_blue
Rating: G
Length: short
Brief summary: Children are very perceptive individuals, and in this post-TPM story Anakin knows that his new master does not like him.
Link: http://imadra-blue.livejournal.com/172452.html

prompt: holiday, star wars: anakin/obi-wan, prompt: time

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