My Doctor Who Recs Table Claim: Doctor Who, General Series
Prompt: 44. Endings.
Title: "Doors"
taraljcRating: PG
Length: medium
Brief summary: The sad thing for the Doctor is that his companions always have to leave. One way or the other. And then he's left with all those empty rooms where they used to be. A great look at Ten's emo.
There was no sense of her presence--it was just a room, filled with clothes and furniture and souvenirs from a hundred worlds and times. He breathed deeply, but the air was just air, recycled by the TARDIS and carried no memory of scent.
Doors *
Claim: Doctor Who, General Series
Prompt: 10. Fandom Cliche.
Title: "Old Things Made New (Something Extra Remix)"
svilleficrecsRating: R
Length: epic
Brief summary: Gender swap is common in all sci-fi fics and especially in Doctor Who where we have tons of canon swaps. Just a little heartbreak and a little hope and this fic really made the genre new for me.
Old Things Made New (Something Extra Remix)