Harry Potter: Charlie Weasley Table Claim: Harry Potter: Charlie Weasley
Prompt: 16. Teamwork
Title: Only in the World of Dragons
atruwriterRating: Mature
Length: 7 Chapters- Long
Brief summary: This was the first Charlie/Hermione story I ever read, and it has remained a favorite. I cried when I read it, gasped, and found myself literally having to walk away from the screen before coming back to finish it. It is truly gripping and wonderfully told.
Only in the World of Dragons, Chapter 1 Claim: Harry Potter: Charlie Weasley
Prompt: 35. Threesome
Title: When You Love Two
lilmisblackRating: Mature
Length: 36,177 words in 7 chapters
Brief summary: This is a Charlie/Hermione/Bill story, at teams featuring Bill/Hermione and at times Charlie/Hermione, as well as the threesome. This was a story I hated to see come to an end. It is that well told. You will be fanning yourself most of the way through it.
When You Love Two