Doctor Who: general series table Claim: Doctor Who: general series
Prompt: 15. Crack!Fic
Title: RTFM
fiandyficRating: PG-13
Length: medium
Brief summary: Just after The Last of the Time Lords, the Master awakens to find himself a prisoner aboard the Doctor's TARDIS. This is a hilarious Matchmaker!TARDIS story centering on the Tenth Doctor/Master pairing.
RTFM Claim: Doctor Who: general series
Prompt: 30. Seduction
Title: I Dare You to Wear White
shaggydogstailRating: PG-13
Length: medium
Brief summary: The Tenth Doctor is obsessed with the Master; the Master does not reciprocate his feelings. Or does he? Well, the Doctor is determined to win him over, no matter how hard the Master tries to escape his clutches. Highly amusing story.
I Dare You to Wear White