Doctor Who: general series table Claim: Doctor Who: general series
Prompt: 27. Beginnings
Title: A Time for Change
purple_bugRating: G
Length: medium
Brief summary: Sometime after her travels with the Fifth Doctor ended, Erimem arrives at a mysterious art gallery and receives an intriguing job offer. It's hard enough to find audio-related fic, let alone Erimem-centric stories. This one gives an interesting and believable look into how her life might have turned out.
A Time for Change Claim: Doctor Who: general series
Prompt: 35. Threesome
Title: Time Goes On
settiaiRating: PG-13
Length: long
Brief summary: Here's another fine story with audio connections. There are references to various Big Finish events, though it's not necessary to have heard those audios to enjoy this fic. The threesome is the Fifth Doctor/Nyssa/Tegan, written in a completely plausible manner.
Time Goes On