The Phantom of the Opera Table Claim: The Phantom of the Opera
Prompt: 15. Crack!Fic.
Title: "Happy Ending"
Author: Tam Lynne (LJ?)
Rating: K
Length: medium
Brief summary: Another cross-over with Les Miserables, this crack!fic is hilarious. Cosette and Raoul are perfect together!
Happy Ending Claim: The Phantom of the Opera
Prompt: 23. Time.
Title: "He's Dead Already"
Author: infamous tine (LJ?)
Rating: M
Length: long
Brief summary: I am always glad to find a fic that truly embraces Erik's madness and Christine's fear of him. Too many fics turn Erik into a schmoopy puppy. Erik isn't Erik without the sadism--Or, possibly, he's being merciful.
He's Dead Already