My Torchwood Table Claim: Torchwood, General Series
Title: "Petit Mort"
rainydCharacters: Jack, Ianto
Prompt: 32. Secrets.
Rating: R
Length: short
Brief summary: This is a really lovely ficlet, that in brief, manages to nail Jack. And I'm not talking about the sex. It's the secrets that he has, and all that we'll never understand about him. A very accurate portrayal of him, I think, and what Ianto sees when he looks at Jack.
Jack is chivalrous like a veteran, averting his eyes when he senses Ianto's shyness, waiting for permission to look, to touch. Jack likes touching. "Some god was generous enough to give me two hands, what's the point of not using them?" Ianto was raised a Catholic, shrugged it off when he started at Torchwood, read up on Buddhism when he met Lisa. Now he lives his life by the code of each-day-before-the-next. Same as Jack.
Link to the story:
Petit Mort