I just tonight realised how long it's been since I recced anything, but I've had the list of what I planned to rec completed for months! So I'll stop spamming your flists for tonight :D Got to make 5 more posts over the next couple of days and I'm done :)
Claim: Firefly: Inara Serra
Title: Chimera
themoononastickCharacters: Inara/Mal, Mal/Simon
Prompt: 35. Threesome
Rating: PG-13
Length: Medium
Brief summary: So this is more two pairings, but I'm pretending its threesome because of the way the two pairings interact in this fic. And it was surprisingly hard to find really really good Inara threesome fic, and I didn't want to rec one I didn't like AS MUCH just to fill the prompt!
Link to the story:
Chimera Claim: Firefly: Inara Serra
Title: Fragments of a Lost Poem
inalasahl Characters: Inara/Mal
Prompt: 38. Betrayal
Rating: Teen
Length: Long
Brief summary: Mal and Inara both expected to betray each other in different ways. Again, this is just ... perfect!
Link to the story:
Fragments of a Lost Poem