
Oct 26, 2003 16:40

man, daylight savings time is so weird, I've been awake much longer than I'm used to, and once again I realize why I sleep the day away, because there is nothing to do! argh, so bored, rhys is gonna give me a call in a few and we might go out and do something to remady that, but anywho

its just kinda sunk in, I have been rockin school for the most part, like destroying tests, I did much better than I expected on my japanese midterm, and am having no trouble following along with her in class, haha, last class was so funny, I swear she was on something, half the time she was just giggling histerically, its always funny when we start talking about culture, like how she went to a resturaunt in hong kong where there were people who were eating monkey brains from live monkeys and she could hear them scream as their brains were slowly devoured, why does this fascinate me? oh yeah because I'm evil, and she randomly admitted that she wished she had been born a man? hehe, and she brought in this japanese dollhouse to practice the names of household things and such, boy oh boy, very entertaining to say the least, she also was trying to get the class to come see her and her husband in this play/performance thing on friday, she was apparently going to be singing something? but she said "you come and I will find you, we will do something afterward, have good a good time" hehe, then she gave us all these beast japanese caramels, she's also realized that just saying memorize all of the vocab for a chapter in two days (like 100 words!) doesn't work too well, so now we are starting to do it in nice 20 word chunks, that class is so freakin fun, sensei just needs to lay off the saki, haha

had a good time at angryogre's thursday night, accompanied wronglyaccused around town procuring buffalo wings, pizza, and beer, lots and lots of beer, man the place we went to for the wings was hardcore shady, its in that ragged flea market strip mall next to george town south, and there are like all these latinos just miandering around looking creepy, and in the back of the resturaunt they were all just like sitting there looking at us, then some guy walks in and starts talking to me and neal, he asks our names and then we ask his and he just stammers a bit, then makes a motion like he has a gun and says "mafioso!" yeah, he had all gold teeth too, hehe, weeeird, I think he was drunk, but neal's probably right, he was probably on crack or some other narcotic, quite an adventure I do say, but the wings were pretty good so maybe it was worth it? ... maybe not, then we went to pattons where we just had a good time with ura, darder, goldenclaws, and matt kendle watching ultimate fighting championship and so fucking what, good tymes good tymes

yesterday I actually just sat down for three hours and cranked out my museum paper, I'm impressed, nice to have that out of the way, now I just need to work on my biotech homework, hmmm "how would I create a simple, sensitive, and reproducable diagnostic procedure for detecting a double stranded dna virus that has been devistating cattle populations?" ...with bicardi, and cola! wait they probably won't get the job done... liars

finally took the hair off my thighs, so I'm done, no more hair, smooth skin from now on, except on my back which I can't reach, but its not that bad so it'll just have to do, now if I could just do something about my face...

tabi socks came in, they fit fine, and my dad made me some wooden geta sandals, samurai jack style! so cool, and my hakama pants are done, now I just need to make my real kimono and I'll be set, yeah, only thing is I'm not sure what I'm doing for halloween, what is everyone else doing? I want to hang out with my friends but seems like they are all going to different places, there's the vamp larp pary at cherrly's, the party at hq, and spooky, I just want to pimp my costume and drink with my buds, where should I go?

anyway, going to romp around town with rhys now

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