"bicardi, and cola, they get the job done!"

Oct 21, 2003 03:12

I bet they certainly do

been really lethargic lately, not sure why, I can't seem to get enough sleep, might be because I started using my "winter" blanket that is sooooo warm, I never want to get out of bed, I could just sleep forever x_x at least I'm not sick, yet, I really don't want to get sick, seems like everyone around me is though so hopefully my cautious paranoia will give the old t and b cells a heads up "yo, dudes! be on the lookout! there be jonx outside, don't let them in, you see em, nom em! don't give em a chance to scream, got it!?"

watched punch drunk love at patton's sunday, yeah... I understood sandler's character alllll too well, mhm kinda scary, definatly how I was a couple years ago, I hope I've gotten better though, it was cool though, strange and weird with really screwed up people, sounds like a good movie to me, I enjoyed it, not what I expected from a sandler movie at all

demon was interesting, further field tested demon combat with a sabbat pack of all things, pretty formidable I'd say, we were scared as crap, we are convinced that demons suck at combat, but that may be false
conclusion: supernaturals can't do most of their typical crap to demons, all a demon has to worry about is dealing with straight up damage, some highlights

*all uses of obfuscate*- immunity to illusions beotch, doodeedoo, oh no I can't see you... *POW*
*dread gaze*- hahahaha I was in freakin hell, nothing can scare me! *NOM!*
*animalism*- um, no, animals listen to me because I sort of, I don't know, created them! you know, back in the day, creation and all, yeah
*chimeristry*- why are you waving your hands around like that? what are you doing?... die *BWOW*
*dominate 6*- HAHAHAHA! say it again, haha, please, come on, one more time, hehe, seriously
*fortitude 8*- ... yeah, we'll have to think of a way to get past that...
*celerity 8 + agg fangs*- hmmm, those hurt, better matrix jump onto the roof/fly away and assess the situation further, aww, can't fly? too bad all that speed to waste
*obtenabration*- wouldn't be a problem if our fiend had gotten some in lore of portals, they freakin created that evil dark void realm that the losambra think is so special

so yeah, some demons are beast at combat, namely those with lore of flames or gaping maw which make short work of most vamps, not to mention those who can swoop down out of the pitch black sky with a katana and take a head off ^_^ then there are some demons who can't really do much in combat, like chantel with the alex mac action, but she's the master when it comes to other things ; )

side note: I find it funny how insignificant vampires seem in the context of demon, every other supernatural has some kind of purpose in creation, vamps don't, they truly are just leeches, they're really just a big mistake, trash that should have never been, whose very existance harms the world, weird (vamp is still my fave though)

warhammer was weird, we got arrested and accused of all this false crap, but then got out of it, short session cause rhyse is bizzed with sickness, until next time

biotech tomorrow! haven't been for like two weeks now, so much to learn, so little class, gene therapy tomorrow, which doesn't really excite me all that much, gene therapy is just somatic alteration, which is the weak substitute for germline alteration, its basically a cop out for all the "ethically" concerned peeps who are afraid to unleash the full potential of rdna, bastards, one day... in madagascar...

gto is so beast, I showed one ep at dwarfy's and everyone seemed at least intrigued by it, that's how it is, you see 5 min of it and you just get sucked in, so beast

I'm making a kimono with my mom, and hakama pants too, for halloween jonx, we finished the test one, can't wait till it's all done, just need to practice tieing an obi, and I need to find out where I can buy some tabi socks

well, I suppose I'm tired, warm blanket you know what to do

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