Momento Mori

Oct 14, 2003 22:18

ok, so I'm gonna try and talk about things now, just haven't been feelin it lately

boy I was like supernaturally tired today, fortunately my archaeology class was canceled today so I got to come home early and I just passed out, for some reason I sleep so well when it rains outside

last night was beast, we had like this big epic dinner at dwarfy's house with me, matt patton, rhys, phoeno, dwarfy (I'd hope so), mat kendle, brian, mark, and a surprise visit from kelly, and dwarfy's parents and "the girl that lives in dwarfy's house" hehe, food was good, makes me wish I could do classy type stuff more often, if only I lived anti 1950's... um, someday? that's pretty unrealistic isn't it?

finally finished up my characters quest in warhammer, now we're free to do whatever, we'll see what people do with this freedom, why do I not have a good feeling about all of it, I say we just bum rush this guy we're supposed to stop (lurdge?) that tactic has yet to fail, and it darn funny, shawihi will always have a place in my heart, haha

weekend consisted of avalon/museum/sleep/avalon/sleep/avalon/sleep, no real relaxation there, but for as tiring as it was it was fun, even though every pc I've heard from said it was horrible and they hated pretty much every second of it and never want to go back, as descouraging as it may be I don't let it get to me, I will fallow tim's orders till the end

I finally have recieved all the various anime that I purchased up to two months ago, gto, ghibli box set, witch hunter robin, strawberry eggs, read or die, vampire hunter d bloodlust, and ah my goddess the movie, just watched the first ep of gto, so beast, can't wait to watch it all : )

I think I've pretty much watched all of matt's kirosowa movies, saddness, hmmm think I'll list as many of the japanese movies I can remember that I've seen in the past couple months here, good a place as any
yojimbo, seven samurai, sanjuro (probably my fave kirosowa), hidden fortress, high and low, samurai I, II, III (toshiro mifune is the coolest guy ever!!!), samurai fiction, princess blade, sharkskin man, party seven, kikojiro, hanabi, brother, volcano high (not really japanese but eh) and of course ichi the killer, probably forgetting a couple

so yeah, went with my dad to a gun show to investigate the purchasing of an actual samurai sword, yeah, to get an actual authentic one, it'll probably cost a couple hundred dollars, as much as I'd like to have one, that's probably too much, maybe one day when money is overflowing out of my pockets and I have my 10ft statue of athena, keep dreamin, the only guy who had a real sword there (a kodachi blade forged by tadamitsu of bishu province in osufune village from the 1600's) took a liking to me and let me handle the naked blade and told me all this cool stuff about how to id blades and check for authenticity, also got a book about samurai swords, holding that blade was unreal, I couldn't believe it was 400 years old, that's insane, so that was cool and at least I learned some things I suppose

school has been cruising along nicely, I have a museum paper to write now for archaeology, and my biotech poster isn't due till november, but I'm actually looking forward to that, japanese is still really fun, its nice taking so many classes that are just "for fun" I can just not worry so much and actually learn and enjoy myself, even if I constantly feel guilty about it

on to body hair, I finally did my chest with the machine of unspeakable pain, omg, that was probably the most pain I have ever self inflicted on myelf, ever, I was like sweating and shaking it was horrible, I no longer feare the pain of possibly having to cut off one of my own limbs now, I don't think it would be much different, all those people who want to be hardcore by peircing and tattoes and stuff, yeah, try doing that and tell me what's worse, I'd really like to know, jesus, now all that's left is my thighs, probably gonna hurt like a beotch too, but I thought the armpits would hurt real bad and they really didn't, so maybe there's hope, after the initial clearing with the demon machine its much easiear to just do touch ups every week or so, so I do believe it is better than waxing and shaving and such

also had a good time at patton's on sunday where we just hung out and had some good laughs with "lion man" wow... just, wow, we so need to be turkish movie voice actors, hehe, and mean machine, brought back a lot of soccer memories where I played with matt back in days of yore ^_^

oh, any interested persons angryogre? ura?, anime club is this sunday, I'd be happy to have some company

You are Form 2, Angel: The Pure.

"And The Angel rose as holy protector for
all that was created. She fought with honor
and valor to serve the good of the world. But
the coming of the mankind was her downfall; and
end to purity."

Some examples of the Angel Form are Michael
(Christian) and Hercules (Greek).
The Angel is associated with the concept of virtue,
the number 2, and the element of wind.
Her sign is the zenith sun.

As a member of Form 2, you are a person of your
word. You generally keep your promises and
give everything you do your best. Although
some people see you as overbearing sometimes,
you know that you have to stay true to yourself
and do what's right. Angels are the best
friends to have because they are brutally

Which Mythological Form Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

that was actually kind of cool, condemned idealist to the end

well, I have to study japanese vocab and brush up on katana, you'd think they could have made all "tsu" "shi" "so" and "n" not look practically the same, jeez, but it looks way cooler than hiragana so hey, anyway

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