Feb 14, 2005 17:47
I have always hated Valentines Day and that is probably because i never had someone to share it with..
Then i finally got a boyfriend who was soooo romantic and sweet and he did the little things that make girls so excited.
Then, we got a little comfortable and things kinda disappeared in the "romantic" department. I have always been a girl who loves that little stuff. I miss it damnit!
I think Tim could see that I was missing it so Saturday we spent an early valentines day together.
Today we can't spend any of that time together because he has to go to school and I would NEVER make him skip :) i think everyone knows that by now.
During one of our three breakups, i tore a picture in half that just happened to be our favorite picture...nice one killer!
Saturday when Tim showed up at my house, he handed me a picture frame with that picture in it. It was taped from behind perfectly...with the tiniest line to indicate that it had been torn apart...
The frame has a white border with a message written saying that he will always be there to put everything back together...awwwww
Later on, we went to Ernie's for dinner, one of our favorite places to go earlier in our relationship! I swear we went there like 20 times. Then he surprised me with diamond earrings. awwww again!
I really felt special on Saturday and it was one of the most thoughtful days that we have spent together in two years.
So happy!
Tonight, no special Valentines Day plans..only a dermatologist appt.
This week will be so fun......but not really
Tuesday- work till 4:30, class from 6-9:40 and at that time I will be taking an anatomy exam! yay!!!!
Wednesday- dentist appointment :( I hate the dentist!!! then a blood test at the hospital so I can make sure i'm not overdosing on thyroid meds...or underdosing. I have been soooooo tired lately!
Thursday- work till 4:30, my english class online
Friday- finally a day off to do whatever I have to do! I won't have money to go shopping but I will finally get to see my Babci!!! I have missed her since i've started workin on Fridays at the hoot.
Sat- working till 1 at the eye doc, working at the hoot and then maybe out with my girlz if i get out of work early enough...and hopefully tim and sam's boyfriend will be able to go.
sunday-the hoot again!