Apr 12, 2006 13:59
My indifference towards good grades astounds me right now. I have barely looked over my ENVR notes not to mention have barely attended the class and I'm not at all in a panic even though my grade is not where it should be. Oh well. I think it all stems from the fact that I got an A- on my ENGL term paper that I freaked out over but probably shouldn't have.
In Literature of South Carolina writers today, there was a very heated debate between "Douchebag Magee" who sits on the far side of the room and "Too-Sensitve-Takes-A-Debate-Personally Larue" behind me. It was possibly the most obnoxious debate I've ever heard about religion and I've heard some pretty bad ones before. The worst part was that the girl behind me is Catholic. Way too represent right to thought, Larue! Everytime anyone said anything slightly contradictory she said it was wrong blahdy blah blah. Apparently Susan Ludvingston is a blasphemous poet for writing the "Gospel of Saint Mary Magdelene". She also let Douchebag Magee get a rise out of her and make her look overly Conservative. It was dumb to put it in it's most simplistic terms. We were talking about that damn Dan Browne book, Davinci Code. I'm so effing tired of hearing about whatever controversy is in the book. It's fiction. FICTION! When we were learning about different types of literature in grade school, Fiction is the one that involves the writer's imagination. I hope they remember that part in grade school along with "i before e except after c."
Let's not forget about Douchebag Magee though. When Dr. Thesing asked if anyone had heard about the Book of Judas that was found. I raised my hand and he asked me to explain. I started explaining that it was written in 150 A.D. well after Jesus was crucified so it wasn't actually part of the Bible or written by Judas. Before I could even get to the part of it being written by an order of Gnostics, Magee jumps in and says something about that doesn't mean it wasn't meant to be part of the Bible jankity jank jank. If Dr. Thesing hadn't stopped him from talking then the blood that was boiling in my system would have caused me to run over there and punch him in his skinny lil' face. My violent fantatsies towards him have nothing to do with him trying to offend other people's religious views in the class, but everything to do with him being an interupting, egotisitcal, male chauvinist (sp), son of a bitch who thinks he knows everything but literally pulls it out of thin air. (Dr. Thesing said something about a preserved saint's body in Germany that he saw and how amazing it was and Magee chimes in that all saint's bodies are supposedly preserved and that's why they are saints. Wrong, totally wrong! That's one of that saint's three miraculous events that puts him up for Canonization. Fuck you, Magee. You are a moron.)
Sorry 'bout the rant. It is now time to go fail an ENVR test. Peace.