Apr 18, 2007 20:57
I thought I had figured out what I was going to do with the rest of my life. To a degree, at least. That was three days ago. Now I have no idea, yet again. Three days ago, I was fairly certain of going into the peace corps and then grad school, or vice versa. Whatever works best at any given time. But now...there are so many things I can do with my life!!! Talk about anomie: I just get lost in the choices.
In no particular order, things I would like to do post-graduation:
-Peace Corps
-Teach for America
-Leave for some random foreign country where I can find connections (El Salvador?!?!) and teach for a while and learn a language
-Take off and travel the world for a while
-Save the world from environmental terrorists
-Grad school
-Live at home and work some crap job while I save some $$
-Live in the QCA and work some crap job while I save some $$
-Get a real job
OK, so I lied; they are in some particular order. The first four are undoubtedly the most appealing prospects. But each of them require a substantial time commitment. And because of my indecisive nature, I of course would like to do them all. However, being somewhat of a traditionalist (but only a little), I would like to have a family. Before I turn 35. Damn womanly, maternal instincts. Oh, and I would also like to adopt a child and be a foster parent, as well as have my own child(ren). But somehow, I doubt all this volunteering is going to provide me with monetary funds substantial enough to purchase a child (not really. but i've never figure out why adoption is so incredibly expensive when 90% of the children are unwanted anyway). Bah. Another story for another time.
Maybe I'll join the Peace Corps after graduation. Then do Teach for America. And I can save the world while doing that. And I shall see where that takes me.
Regardless, my life has some definite direction, but is still becoming more and more uncertain. Is that possible? It must be, because it's happening!!!
Oh yeah, don't forget about taking a six-month break from life and thru-hiking the Appalachian Trail at some point.