i had an unusual day today. every morning, you see, after i leave the house when i coast my bike into the bus station, i have a jolt of nervousness that i've left my wallet at home. today i had a somewhat longer jolt because it turned out that i actually _did_ leave my walled.
i entreated the driver to remember that i had a bus pass, but that's apparently not the way it works. i asked the passengers, who ride the bus with me every day, if one of them could lend me the far. the seminary student who rides to the community college looked in his wallet but he only had a five.
i began to take my bike off the rack when someone ran to the front of the bus and tapped the window to get my attention. it was the shaggy haired guy who takes the other spot on the bike rack. i promised to get him back next time i saw him, but decided not to bug him with small talk since he seemed pretty wrapped up in his book (i can relate).
when we got into watsonville and went up to get out bikes, the shaggy haired guy started a conversation before i could. and that's where it got unusual. it turns out that not only does he take his bike to watsonville in the mornings, but he takes it to a non-profit (Community Legal Foundation) where he's an intern.. after which he takes his bike back to santa cruz and up to the university at the same time i do.
so i'm not that unique after all, i guess. i rode home after work and got my wallet.. when i got to the bus station and got on to go to class, i noticed that the bus driver was the most road-ragey intense driver i'd ever ridden with. he put the bus in reverse to pass other busses who stopped for longer at the same stop as him, drive. once he peeled off while a passenger was running to the stop and waving at him.
when i took my bike off the rack of the bus driven by the maniac i noticed quickly that it had popped a tire, the rear one. that'll be 10 bucks at least. they'll probably try to get me to buy new rubber tires instead of just an inner tube.
last weekend i went out to my new garden with my roommate's camera and took some pictures. here we go.
I will have lots of zucchini this summer.
A pepper and chard plants
here's the whole garden