Apr 11, 2004 11:13
Ok so I'm a bad person for not updating! To be honest I dont care. Had a pretty damn good week all things considered and as expected for the new few weeks I'll be suffering from that most dreaded of situations "No net access for updating at home".
So here I am, down under in Cork and it is sooooooo damn good to be home... hmmm... thats funny I never realised that until now... it actually is home.... (much musing). Anyway, I got a job (more later), have started to look at places to live and have generally expelled myself of the evil Dublin Demons that were possessing my life.
Its only polite I guess to start with the job situation - DC is now working in the Imperial Hotel on the South Mall where my main job is to transform "Souths" Bar into the centre of Cork's happening nightlife - a challenge worthy of my talents :). It looks like its going to be great fun, the existing staff seem fairly good, friendly anyway and I'll be adding to the staff shortly. *
* If you happen to be a five foot three brunette lady whose currently single and dying for a job, feel free to apply... even if you dont get the job the interview will be fun :)