Who sleeps in bed next to you?
Hnnn... my cellphone xD;;
What did you last eat?
Rice. :3
What kind of books do you read?
Novels, manga, doujins, comic books. Oh, nothing much. And you can include fucking school books D:
What are you reading right now?
The host, by Stephanie Meyer [Did I get her name right? Did I? Did I?]
If you could be anywhere right now, where would it be?
I wanna be in Japan, in an animecon. >3<; Cosplaying as Squalo. I DO HAVE DREAMS, YOU KNOW D:
What's really creepy?
... Judgment Day.
Name one odd item within five feet of you.
What's your current fandom / obsession / addiction?
KHR/TallhasseexLittleRock/Squalo xD;;
What did you really want to do today that you didn't?
Write a Tallahassee/Little Rock fic. And I didnt :D
What are you most excited for?
KHR'S NEW CHAPTER. I'm having high hopes for Squalo in the end of the chapter :]
What websites do you always visit when you go online?
Lj, Fanfiction, Deviantart, Onemanga. Somtimes Hotmail and Google. :3
What was the last thing you bought?
Zombieland DVD xD;;
What do you want right this minute, off the top of your head?
Writing the rest of Flowers of the night.. >3<;; I'm lazy.
What are you wearing right now?
Pjs; Long orange/brown/black dress. I like comfy, long dresses.
Are there any bits of childhood that you miss?
...KG to 5th grade... T3T I want to have an easy school life.
Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter?
Winter. Maybe I didnt mention it, I love winter clothes, so that's why I love it so much. And I dont like being hot =3=;;
Say something to the person who tagged you.
Nobody tagged me *runs around* I'm tagging~~ :D
I tag~
yokoist &
valerya_deidara &
anime19595 Do it, or I'll VOI you to death!