This is the new applications post. Any applications since the reopening should be posted here.
Fill out the application below and comment here.
(copy and paste form to the comment and wait for your confirmation)
PLAYER INFO Name:Journal (tell us if we can add you)
Age:E-mail:AIM/ any other messenger:Twitter(optional): CHARACTER INFO Name:Nick-Name:Character Journal:Age/ Gender:Course/Major:Flame:Box Weapon:chosen weapon/battle methodDorm-room:Character Biography/Personality:In 5 sentences tell us in character why we should accept you to Reborn U: (RP SAMPLE) Note that in addition to proper characterization, we also do have a requirement of readable English. You do not have to be perfect, but we do hope to be able to understand you.
You can have a maximum of three characters. However, you have to be active for at least four weeks before you can get your second character. And then have to wait again two weeks for the third, and so on.
Once your application is accepted, please complete the following steps:
1. Read the [
2. Join these communities (in your character journal):
reborn_daigakurebouni_ooc reborn_fight3. Go to the [
QUICK ADD] and comment with your journal name to be added. Add everyone else to your journal.
4. Post your [
CONTACT INFO]. (Friends Locked)
5. Post your [
PROFILE] into your user info.