Okay, first of all, sorry for getting this up late. orz Me and
mymorphine, well, things have been pretty crazy for us lately and the both of us have been busy. So, I'll be extending this week's submission deadline to Saturday. But nonetheless, here is Week 53!
For week 53, there are no images, no themes, no textures, no categories. Why? Because it's...
Yes, you can submit any icon as long as they are in, some way or another, related to Katekyo Hitman REBORN! It can be any character, any theme. You're also allowed to submit as many icons as you want (which means you can submit 3 or more!), as long as you follow the rules.
• You may as many icons as you want this week.
• Your icon(s) must fit LJ’s standards (100x100 or less, 40kb or less).
• When submitting your icon(s), please include both the image and a link to it, like so:
http://i875.photobucket.com/albums/ab317/pikatic-1/11-Mukuro.png You have until Saturday, 28th August, at 9:00 PST to submit, so get cracking! ♥ All comments are screened.
Icons submitted so far: 14