The Best of the Third Kink Meme Awards
Reborn fandom, we have reached a new record in our kink meme history! The third kink meme has been active for a year and a half, and racked up a whopping 43 pages of requests and fills! No other Reborn kink meme has reached that many pages (we usually top out in the 30s).
To celebrate this landmark, and the meme renewal to Kink Meme Four, we will be having Best of Meme Awards! Nominate your favorite meme fills to showcase the best of what the anon kink meme offered this year. It's like the Academy Awards of Reporn!
Best Yaoi
Best Yuri
Best Het
Best Threesome or Orgy
Best Unfilled Prompt
Alternative Awards:
If we get lots of nominations and votes, I will consider giving other awards as well, like Best Crack Fic, Best 8059 Specific, Best Blowjob, or whatever. If you think a fic deserves recognition for something in particular, let me know!
A "best" fic takes into account many factors. Does it fill the prompt? How are the characterizations? Is it H-O-T hot? Spelling and grammar don't have to be perfect, but the story must be able to communicate it's ideas without the mod saying, "Is this even in English?!"
Eligible are on the
Filled Requests Page. This page will not be updated during the nomination period to avoid confusion. If we do not have more than one nominee in a catagory, Reborn-mod will add nominees so there is something to vote for.
Nominations begin on August 2nd and end August 25th.
Once nominations are closed, voting begins. Each person may vote for one fic per catagory. We will mostly go by the honor system, but IP addresses will be logged, in case I need them.
Voting is open August 25th to 31st on this page!!!