Apr 30, 2002 14:56
Skeleton painting is done. Woohoo!
Painting with my door open is not only good for me, it's good for business. Fri. night Alexandra came over and we were talking while I was painting...Joe across the hall from me wandered by so I shouted a whassup at him and he came wandering back. After a couple minutes he notices the paintings (hee hee, tells ya something about him right there) and he says he'd be willing to buy the skeleton off of me once it's done. So I'm like, "Okeydokey." Alexandra says she didn't know I was selling stuff, and to be honest, neither did I. So she asks if she can buy "Cerulean", the blue still life I had in the student show this year, and I'm like "'Kay." The RA comes wandering by and looks at my "gallery"/dorm room. After a while, Mike and Kevo and some other guys want to go see a movie, so I go with them. As I'm walking through the halls, the RA stops me and is talking with me for a while about art in general and then my art and such. She says since she's going to have the head resident room in one of the other dorms, she wants actual art instead of "more stupid posters" (her words not mine). So, in the course of an hour, I more or less finished one painting, and sold three (the RA wants to get first crack at my final project; more on that later) and have a possible deal set up for next year. Since Friday, I have a couple more people interested in buying my stuff...
Taked with Kitten about pricing my stuff, since one of her friends in h.s. sold a lot of artwork. Reached two conclusions:
1.) I'm going to start at $50 for the paintings in question, go higher as time, quality, and size dictate.
2.) She wants to commission me to do something(s) over the summer/next year.
So I'm the biggest overnight success in the greater Middle Campus area. :-D
Final project status update:
Due: Monday
Base coat is laid in. Had to take a hiatus today to remove paint from my walls. Noticed paint splatter extended to computer, speakers, 'fridge, bookshelves, and carpet...walls are the only thing I can potentially get fined for, so I'll worry about those and everything else just gained a little "character".
Sketched in the cheeseburger that's going to be visible through the glass.
Preliminary reaction to it was mixed. The ever-vocal Kerry not only ventured the opinon that the only reason I'm able to do this project is because I never asked the professor if I could (I maintain that the prof. never said I couldn't) and also that I'm largely fearless (inasmuch as I don't care whether or not it's feasible for me to do a project; if I want to I'll do my damnedest on it). About the only comment that arose form someone else that kinda made me think was, "Y'know, with all due respect, there are some of us who would like you to have one complete and total failure of a project, just so we realize you can't do everything and you realize that yes, there are some things beyond your scope of talent/skill/Divine Intervention." I wasn't offended at it, but hopefully they won't be offended at being denied a grand failure for one more project.