(no subject)

Aug 21, 2008 21:26

This is kind of a long one so I'll hid it behind the awesome power of the cut!

Ughh...I think my PS3 might have a broken laser. And I can't get at it because I don't have the tools. I just need a really fine screwdriver and I'll be fine. But I don't have one. I'm going to go to a hardware store and find one soon. I'm hoping that it's just dirty and not broken because then I'll have to buy a new laser rather than just clean it. Or worse, buy a whole new one, which I can't.
Also my finger feels weird, I was trying to use the pointy edge of the blade of my work knife which invloves pulling the blade out and using it upside down. Soo it kinda cut away some of the top layer of skin and gave myself one slightly deeper cut, emphasis on slightly since it's not even deep enough to bleed. DON'T WORRY IT WASN'T EMO RELATED. I'M OKAY!

In other news, centerlink (a government agency dealing with money and income support payments) are evil, this has been going on for awhile but they want me to pay back about $1800 because they think 'I wasn't attending uni enough for them to agree to give me payments'. But had I known and told them I wasn't doing enough by their standards to be full time, the payments would've continued unchanged. Either way I have to pay them back now and it's been causing me stress ever since. But today we called and set up a payment scheme to get it repayed. Now I just need more work to put extra on it, then I'll be all fine. Winning the lotto might also help but right now I doubt I could afford even to enter more than once every so often. Any advice on fixing the lottery would be much appreciated.

Let's see what else. Oh yeah, ironic tale. I got the whole day at uni off today since my lecturer/tutor was sick (seriously ill as he put it). The ironic thing was the class was called 'Medical Microbiology', a class that deals with germs and bacteria as well as diseases and sicknesses. I know Lecturers get sick too but I find the irony of it funny.

Next on the list; I LOVE EMILY! Everyone knows that already but I just couldn't resist shouting it randomly.

Anyway I can't think of anything else so I'll leave it at that. Pleasant dreams and lottery wins for all! (My new pointless sign off phrase!)

(Read the thing behind the cut first)
EDIT: Woohoo, not sure what is was I did, whether it was me pulling the thing apart and poking around, or whether it was just me putting it on my camp chair, but the PS3 appears to be working again. So no worries about buying screwdrivers or new lasers or new PS3's.
Oh and another thing I forgot to say earlier. I had an allergic reaction last Sunday. My eyes puffed up and it did partially affect my vision in my right eye. I even went to the doctors and got a perscription. Never got it filled though since by the time I got home my eye was pretty much okay. Not sure what caused it but it hasn't come back and I've given my room a major clean so it should be gone. But there is some left over things from it. Namely my skin, when I had the reaction the skin under my eyes was affected too. Not by becoming puffy just by becoming really dry and sore and itchy. Since then it's become flaky and it's spread across my entire face. I'm using moisteriser on it now so it should be fine although it does burn certain places but not others. But it doesn't hurt so it's fine.
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