Dec 29, 2008 16:20

WHO: Sasagawa Ryohei, Sawada Tsunayoshi and whoever wants to appear.
WHAT: Ryohei and Tsuna plan a surprise for the Onsen gang - fireworks and sky lanterns
WHERE: Field near the onsen place (:
WHEN: very late evening of the 26th
WARNING(s): Ryohei spoiling the Tsunafish?

The local folk in Asia believe that as the Sky Lantern rises, it takes away their troubles and brings them good luck and fortune in the future. It is a promise of a good year ahead. )

sasagawa ryohei, *log: incomplete, *log: on-going, *log: thread, *log, sawada tsunayoshi

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xx100dontkillme December 29 2008, 09:26:18 UTC
Tsuna hurriedly took to Ryohei's side, following close by and holding the boxes as told. Even in this relative darkness, the brunette could see that Ryohei had large hands, large steady hands which obviously knew what it was doing. Truth be told, not that he had the guts to say it out, but he admired Ryohei's outlook in life. Always the go-getter, always seemingly driven and always happy. Being an only child had its drawbacks and Tsuna saw it in Ryohei.

"Um... busy? You know what it's like. End of the year rush and all that..." he trailed off, unsure of what Ryohei was really asking. It had been a crazy December, mind games, word play and a lot of confusion combined with mixed feelings with a lot more different people. Tsuna's head was a trainwreck.


extremeonwheels December 29 2008, 09:34:38 UTC
Ryohei stuffed a box of little rockets into a shallow hole that he had cleared out before getting to his feet, admiring his handiwork for a bit before turning to Tsuna. The younger man seemed... all over the place, lately? Not in the good way like how his own boyfriend was a whirlwind of activity, too. At least Lissuria was used to it.

Peering at his little brother's face, Ryohei tilted his head and straightened up, patting Tsuna with a large hand. "You seem extremely busy! I was just wondering if you were working too hard?" If he were younger, Ryohei would insist that there was no such thing as working too hard, but he knew now that there was and it was very obvious in some people. Like Tsuna.


xx100dontkillme December 29 2008, 09:42:35 UTC
"Busy is good?" Tsuna chirped. Laughing softly, he bent his head a little under Ryohei's pet. It was his good fortune, the brunette thought, that he had found an older brother in Ryohei. It was nice like this and having someone shower kind concern at him in this manner, warmed him in the cool weather.

Pesto took this chance to paw at both of them, not happy that he was getting no attention. Tsuna smiled wider. He was happy, just like this.


Why so easily happy?! *smack* extremeonwheels December 29 2008, 09:47:45 UTC
"There are lots of kinds of busy!" he exclaimed, though unupset. Tsuna would tell him what was up eventually, if he kept at it. What was important was that Tsuna knew that Ryohei was around if he ever wanted to talk.

Slinging his arm around Tsuna's shoulder and ignoring Pesto (he swore to lavish him with attention later!), Ryohei led Tsuna back to where they started, where they had left the sparklers and flying lanterns.


useless muse is useless like mun xx100dontkillme December 29 2008, 09:57:19 UTC
"There are different kinds of busy?"

Tsuna learnt new things everyday and from the most unlikely of sources, not that it made a difference to him who the advice came from. The brunette appreciated it nonetheless and it was Ryohei, older brother, friend, colleague.

Pesto followed, nearly snapping at Tsuna's ankle. But seeing Ryohei's look, the puppy thought better.


No way~ *loves you* extremeonwheels December 29 2008, 10:02:28 UTC
"Yeah! There's busy that you have to do busy, and then there's busy that you want to do busy, and then there's busy that you use to distract yourself from other things busy, and then busy but not for things you should/need/have to do busy, and busy for no reason busy, and busy overwork busy--" he rambled on, going on and on and on about all the different kinds of busy in the world. He supposed his point was that if there was something bothering Tsuna and making him mentally busy, then Tsuna should spit it out, but he had never been very good at communication when he was trying to be discreet. Goodness knows how that turned out with Li.

Ryohei picked up a sparkler from the ground and lit it, handing the firecracker to Tsuna when it was healthily sparkling at him, a bright light in the night.


flings! xx100dontkillme December 29 2008, 10:13:26 UTC
Tsuna got lost somewhere between the third 'busy' and the fourth. He never knew there were that many definitions for one word or perhaps he knew but didn't know how to differentiate. The brunette always found handling other people's problems a lot easier than thinking about his own. And that was probably why he just ignored them, buried them and got himself busy which wasn't very difficult at this time of the year, considering he was. He was still trying his hardest to process what Ryohei was saying when the other passed him a sparkler. Distracted by colorful sparks dancing, his mental system decided to fail him then, a rainbow glow on his cheeks.

"I... uh..." Tsuna didn't really know how to tell Ryohei he did not understand.


Re: flings! extremeonwheels December 29 2008, 10:15:30 UTC
"What I'm saying is, Tuna," he said, using the nickname for the younger man as he dropped a hand on Tsuna's head, "If something is bothering you extremely, then you should just tell me! I am, ultimately, your oniisan after all!"

It made sense in his head! Sort of.


oh crai y u like this xx100dontkillme December 29 2008, 10:21:58 UTC
Stunned, Tsuna could only blink in the face of such candor. How very precious and rare this was. The people around him ran round, beating about bushes but Ryohei never did that to him and the brunette didn't know how to show Ryohei he appreciated the simplicity of their relationship. It was then he decided that he adored the older man and wished they were really blood brothers.

Bowing his head, not as if he was afraid to meet Ryohei's gaze, but more of embarrassment and awkwardness, that he had caused people to worry. This no strings attached concern and kindness touched him and made him want to cry.

"Not extremely no... I'm holding up pretty well. I think," Tsuna said finally.


CRAI YOU'RE SO ADORABLE. extremeonwheels December 29 2008, 10:27:46 UTC
Ryohei nodded, satisfied with that answer. After all, he had clearly told Tsuna that he could run to him, and he trusted Tsuna to know when to. If Tsuna said he was all right, then he was all right.

The boxer gave Tsuna's hair one last, fond ruffle before prodding his elbow. "Haha, Tsuna, you might drop the sparkler!" He whisked Pesto into his arms and kept him away from chewing on the other sparklers, before pulling out his phone. "Should we call the others now?"


WHAT YOU xx100dontkillme December 29 2008, 10:35:33 UTC
Tsuna didn't know whether to be relieved or disappointed once Ryohei backed off. He decided on the former. It was a time of celebration and a time for good feelings, nothing complicated or depressing. And Ryohei had just finally gotten through a rough patch with Lissuria, the brunette most definitely did not want to spoil the mood or anything like that. He was happy when they were.

"Yeah. We're all ready anyway," he piped in, only to pause right after that.

Would Ryohei think he was a wimp if he hugged the older man there and then? But his body moved before his mind could catch up. Carefully, after he made sure the sparkler was dead and avoiding Ryohei's phone or Pesto's claws, he gave his Onii-san a big brief hug from behind. His way of saying thank you.


ADORABLE TSUNA extremeonwheels December 29 2008, 10:45:12 UTC
He paused, mildly startled but mostly pleased and warmed that Tsuna had hugged him. These days, hugs mostly came from Kyoko and Lissuria. Despite being very manly, he was still affectionate, and these things were never unwelcome.


"Hahaha," he said letting Pesto go and jump to the ground. "Silly Tuna! A hug should be like this," he added even as he turned in the younger man's arms and hugged back, own arm across Tsuna's shoulder to pull him to his chest and the other on Tsuna's head. And he hoped, vaguely, that this helped.


OH ONII SAN MY HEART HAVE IT xx100dontkillme December 29 2008, 10:58:03 UTC
He was just about to let go when Ryohei turned over and returned the gesture. A lump formed in his throat and Tsuna didn't know why it felt like redemption. Vaguely at the back of his mind, he could guess why he needed a hug like this. Straight forward and simple, transparent and in your face, Ryohei had unconsciously healed a little part of himself he didn't know had gotten hurt.

The brunette felt warm and fuzzy all over, especially near the eyes but he forced it down. It was not extreme, in his onii-san's words and 24 year old men do not cry just because of a hug, no. So all Tsuna did was hold it in, hold on to Ryohei for another moment and hope he would hold all his doubts, confusion and worry together for another day longer. Until he was ready to deal.

"Th-thank you," he mumbled, embarrassed now at his display of weakness.


NO, TAKE IT BACK, YOU NEED IT TO LIVE. LOVE IS ENOUGH!! extremeonwheels December 29 2008, 11:06:26 UTC
"You're extremely welcome!" Ryohei said, voice low. "Everything will be ok." He gave Tsuna a tight squeeze before finally pulling away, patting Tsuna on the head and grinning down at him.

Sometimes he forgot that Tsuna was just a year younger than he was, but the Vongola head sometimes seemed so fragile, in a way. Too many things on too small shoulders. The fact that Tsuna was still fine was proof that he was extreme.


OMG YES I FORGOT OMG GOLDFISH xx100dontkillme December 29 2008, 11:08:47 UTC
Tsuna blinked all the awkwardness away and beamed at the older man. He was easily placated, easily comforted, easily cheered up. Gently scooping Pesto in his arms, he faced Ryohei again, relaxed and ready for anything, almost.

"Let's get them?"


Cho cute. : > extremeonwheels December 29 2008, 11:14:16 UTC
Ryohei beamed and nodded, swinging the flashlight in his hands to look for the path back to the rest house. "Everyone, right?"


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