LOG: [Thread] [Millefiore Christmas Gala] [OPEN]

Dec 22, 2008 21:17

WHO: Everyone (that was invited?)
WHAT: Millefiore Christmas Gala
WHERE: Paphiodilim party
WHEN: December 23rd, 7 PM on
WARNING(s): Millefiore?


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Cocktails srsbznsmods December 23 2008, 02:26:38 UTC


Re: Cocktails srsbarista December 24 2008, 03:32:33 UTC
Shouichi had never liked cocktail parties. Shouichi wasn't a fan of parties in general, but cocktail parties required a certain amount of mingling, and mingling was a skill Shouichi had cultivated but really, honestly, abhorred. Mingling was the sort of thing Shouichi had missed out on in high school, having never been a social butterfly, and he would still prefer to be at home with a book than in a crowd with a glass of high quality red wine in one hand.

Currently Shouichi was talking to two very wealthy looking older women, who were already well on their way to intoxication. The smell of wine their breath alone was enough to get someone drunk.


Re: Cocktails justaskeikaku December 24 2008, 20:30:01 UTC
Spanner had been invited to the party, and because a) the invitation letter and envelopes had been impressive, and b) the event interested him, Spanner had decided to go. He knew that Shou-han would be there, anyway (and probably that boss of his...) and that had been enough motivation to go.

He made his way through the throng of people at that moment, dressed in a suit with his tie knotted loosely around his neck. Like with their first date, Spanner had also made an effort to clean up for this one. Not that it was a date. Yet.

"Shou-han," he said by way of greeting, coming up to him and not giving the women with him much notice.


Re: Cocktails srsbarista December 26 2008, 21:06:48 UTC
"Ah, Spanner." Shouichi smiled slightly at Spanner, but then introduced Spanner to the two women he was talking to, and vice versa. Shouichi wouldn't have minded a rescue, but work came first, and investor's wives were people who were meant to be placated.


Re: Cocktails justaskeikaku December 27 2008, 07:56:50 UTC
An introduction with the women... So Shou-han was obliged to entertain them after all. Spanner nodded at them politely and smiled a bit, even as he planted himself on the spot by Shou-han's side.

"Nice party," he added. Whoever designed the place had good taste, although it tended to sparkle more than necessary at some places. Eyeing the rest of the room, he could see that it was at least not lacking in shadowy places to retreat to if he got too bored (but still wanted to wait for Shou-han).


srsbarista January 1 2009, 05:44:17 UTC
"It's a little too extravagant for me." Shouichi said in an aside to Spanner, though the two women seemed to think that the Millefiore's Christmas Gala was the End all and Be all of ANY holiday party. Then, thankfully, they noticed that their glasses needed refilling, and set off to do that. Shouichi let out a small, barely there sigh of relief, before his shoulders hunched up again.

Right, work party. Work party with Spanner there. Work party with his close friend who Byakuran wanted on the team.

No time to relax.


justaskeikaku January 1 2009, 15:49:30 UTC
Shou-han did seem to not be enjoying himself, much. He was pleasant enough and charming enough, but he hardly looked relaxed, and looked more tense than usual. Not many people would notice, probably, but Spanner was observant and he hung out enough with Shou-han to be able to tell.

"Can't leave the party?" he asked as a suggestion. There was a 96.57% chance of Shou-han saying no, but there was no risk trying for that remaining 3.43.


srsbarista January 2 2009, 04:47:02 UTC
Shouichi blinked at Spanner. Why would he even ask that? "No." Though attending the party was not a requirement Shouichi's invitation had come attached with a flower and that signaled that Byakuran-san rather thought Shouichi should attend. Plus staying through the party was on Shouichi's mental list of 'things to do in order to impress the boss'. It was a pretty generic list, but attending work parties was definitly on it.

"Why did you come, Spanner? I didn't think you were interested in the Millefiore."


justaskeikaku January 2 2009, 12:45:09 UTC
"There was a 100 percent chance of running into you," Spanner answered absently, attention drawn to the finger food being toted by a waiter. The presentation was superb, definitely.

And also, he remembered talks of being hired by the Millefiore before. It was a good chance as any to see what they were like. So far, he was pleased with their sense of aesthetics, though perhaps they tended to be on the lavish, elegant side.


srsbarista January 5 2009, 01:05:24 UTC
Why was Shouichi not surprised? Of course Spanner would come to a Millefiore party simply to see Shouichi. Not that Shouichi thought that was sweet. Though it was sweet, in a very bizarre, Spanner way.

"I appreciate having someone to talk to." Shouichi wasn't sure how long you could spend exchanging empty pleasantries, but he had seen several groups of Millefiore employees stretch empty pleasantries and thinly veiled death threats for at least 45 minutes.


justaskeikaku January 5 2009, 01:59:20 UTC
"Do you?" Spanner eyed him for a moment, half to see his expression and half to appreciate what his companion was wearing. The suit didn't quite match that button nose, but it was fetching nonetheless. Still, he seemed as out of place there as Spanner probably was. He picked up a flute of champagne from a passing waiter and shrugged. "Don't let me get in the way of work, though. I'm going to the balcony for some air."


He denies having a button nose. srsbarista January 5 2009, 04:06:18 UTC
Shouichi shrugged. That was why people brought dates wasn't it? To have people to talk to?

"I have to go... mingle. I'll catch up with you later, Spanner."


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lethaldiva December 24 2008, 20:07:30 UTC
The crowd in the party was just what the diva had expected. Fabulous people in their fabulous clothing, drinking fabulous drinks, eating fabulous apertifs. When everyone and everything is fabulous, the diva feels really fabulous. So even if he had a date with him, like the social butterfly that he is, he just started walking around and greeted people.

One particular man caught his eye though. The most unfabulous person that night. Not because he was dressed bad. But for a Christmas party, he looked he put on his jock strap too tight.

"Good evening Xan-chan~" Lissuria greeted his boss, blessing his cheeks with two subtle kisses. A courtesty greeting from the diva~ <3


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extremeonwheels December 24 2008, 20:23:27 UTC
The crowd, he could deal with, but the suit was a little constricting, even if they did fit him snugly and even if he knew they looked good on him (after all, his boyfriend was a fashion guru -- if there was someone to trust about choosing clothes, it'd be Li). At least he wasn't required to talk to the people, though some of them interested him, and he didn't mind socializing, used to it as he was.

And then came This Man. Xan-chan? Li's boss! Ah, right. Even in his head, Ryohei knew that something was probably wrong if he could only identify Xanxus as that Grumpy Dude Who Threatened Lissuria A Lot And Lissuria Liked A Lot. Not that Ryohei was jealous. Nope.

To prove this, he nodded politely at his boyfriend's boss and grinned in his usual friendly manner.


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