Log: Prose [Tsuna + Mukuro] [Closed]

Nov 19, 2008 11:41

WHO: Tsuna and Mukuro
WHAT: Both bump into each other on the way to work and get... delayed.
WHERE: Starbucks, streets of Namimori, Tsuna's old haunt
WHEN: 17 November, Monday morning
WARNING(s): Lots of twists and turns! Srsly. orz

If there had to be a day of the week that Mukuro didn't like, it was Monday. Especially the mornings. After a day of not working, he had a tendency to laze in the next morning and was tempted to go to the bookstore late or not at all. But that wouldn't do for a person in his position who practically ran the store.

With a good amount of reluctance, he made his usual morning trek to Kokuyo while trying to avoid the rush of traffic. Though he usually liked to observe different kinds of people, huge crowds of them while he was in less than an amiable mood was something he wanted to avoid. At least until he had something to drink to wake him up, quickly.

Tsuna liked mornings, he just wished they didn't come so early. His weekend disappeared in the haze of his dark room, where he spent hours testing different styles of processing, exposures and chemicals for his film photography. And Monday came too quickly. It meant work, deadlines and... people, the brunette sighed loudly, oblivious to his surroundings. The people he had been trying his best to be normal around were definitely not in Starbucks this morning, he checked. So it's okay to be me, he mused quietly after giving the barista his order. A grande chamomile tea to go, yes I know it calms nerves thank you very much. For a moment he was glad that Irie-san no longer worked here, he might die if the other saw him today.

Normally, he wouldn't have gone to Starbucks to get his coffee. After all, Mukuro was the one responsible for a number of their representatives' disappearances whenever they wanted to talk about buying Kokuyo land. But he needed a temporary quick fix before he entered the bookstore. Said bookstore was just across the street and he could have tried to wait a few more minutes to get his own coffee, but that would have meant drinking something one of the other employees made and he didn't trust anything he didn't make himself within the shop.

Ignoring the semi loud chattering of the coffee place, he placed his order with a double shot espresso. As he waited for his drink, he glanced around with a half interested look until mismatched eyes landed on a familiar head of brown hair. I didn't expect him to be here, he mused. After waiting the obligatory five minutes, he took up his to-go coffee and made his way over to the person he recognized.

"A pleasant surprise, Tsunayoshi-kun."

Tsuna froze at his name, the way it seemed to roll off the other's lips should be illegal, he mused. And he seemed to be doing the freezing thing rather frequently, a deer in headlights. The brunette blinked slowly at mismatched eyes, opened his mouth to say something, only to close it again.

He paused for a moment that felt like eternity before finally regaining his bearings, brilliant smile and all, to beam at the Kokuyo manager. "Mukuro!"

"Oya, oya~ Aren't you the cheerful type in the morning," Mukuro said, the barest form of a grin on his lips. He took a sip of the hot beverage and let the liquid burn a path through his mouth and down his throat. It would take some time for the caffeine to kick in, but it was better than nothing at the moment.

And really. He wondered just how the younger man could smile so brightly in the morning. It nearly blinded him.

He had to bite back from adding the honorifics after Mukuro's name, Tsuna was glad he remembered in time. After all, this was the man who allegedly made Starbucks' employees disappeared. He paused in mid thought. Mukuro-san is also Hibari-san's good friend right? So.... The brunette shivered a beat, then quickly downed his tea, burning his tongue. He yelped, fanning his mouth like Pesto would stick out his tongue on a hot summer's night.

"Mjdhkfljhuro... hsalp." It totally didn't sound like what he was trying to say.

Mukuro blinked his eyes at the sight before him and couldn't help but let out a small chuckle. "Oya, have yet to learn to blow before drinking, have you?" He stated more than questioned. He would have helped with the scalded tongue, but he didn't think Tsuna would appreciate his methods of helping.

As he waited for Tsuna to calm down, he lazily drank from his cup. Perhaps he could get a bit of amusement this morning in the form of Vongola's boss? It was a thought. Mukuro didn't need to open the shop anyway, so he had time. "In a hurry?"

Hot. Hot. VERY hot. Ow. Ow. Ow. Tsuna's mind was in panic mode, a whirl of warning signs screamed at his stupidity and he blushed from the roots of his hair. This was most definitely worse than having to face Irie-san in a coffee place buying tea or G-g-gokudera-kun and... no he didn't want to go there now, not in front of Mukuro who looked capable of seeing through his flimsy masks. The brunette parted his lips and covered his mouth with a hand, making sure the tea didn't spill and breathed deeply, praying cool air would ease the pain. With his other free hand, he waved it in front of the Kokuyo manager, hoping that it looked like a negative answer to his question.

Head tilted to the side, Mukuro tried to interpret what Tsuna was trying to tell him with just a simple hand gesture. With his years of experience reading people, it was fairly easy. "I'll take that as a no," he said, amused. The caffeine was settling in his system now.

Looking around the place, he noticed that it was becoming busier by the minute. It would probably be a good idea to either sit down or get out of the growing crowded area, else people would get irritated and start flinging not so pleasant words. The things people would do and say for their coffee. Luckily, the manager spotted an empty table and gestured over to it. "If you're not in a rush, shall we move out of the way of people who are?"

Tsuna was busy trying to be discrete. Hey! It wasn't easy trying to be all smooth with a scalded tongue that felt like it had expanded to the size of his arm or something. The brunette was busy trying to fan his tongue without looking like a total dork. He swallowed hard, making a face, wondering when the stinging feeling would go away. Then a thought struck, if he had a scalded tongue, that was the perfect legitimate excuse for not talking to people, which meant he could avoid more people effectively.

So absorbed in his thoughts and glee, he totally did not hear Mukuro's question.

Mukuro hummed. As far as he knew, Tsuna was the type to answer questions with some kind of answer or reaction when they were directed at him but this time he didn't. And after going through possible options of why the other didn't reply in some manner back, he deduced it was because the question wasn't heard. Inwardly letting out a sigh, he just grinned in amusement and took hold of Tsuna's wrist and led him to the still available table and gently pushing him into one of the chairs.

How long does it take for a scalded tongue to cool over?

Knowing that his own methods wouldn't be appreciated, he had to do with something more general. Something cold. He headed back to the counter and ordered one of the fruit blends that didn't contain any coffee. Paying and giving a nod of thanks, he took the cold beverage and placed it in front of Tsuna. "Drink that. It should help a little."

Tsuna was asking himself the same question when he felt a hand on his pulse, pulling his feet into motion. Before he knew who what why, he was deposited in a chair gently by the strangest pair of eyes and said eyes had a kind voice. The brunette gave Mukuro an appreciative look and gratefully sipped the fruit blend. It gave him a sugar rush before slowly spreading across his scalded tongue. Tsuna sighed a happy little smile, eyes closed and at ease. It helped... to a certain degree.

Chuckling a little, Mukuro observed Tsuna as he drank his cooling coffee. Still hot but bearable enough to drink in larger amounts compared to the tiny sips he had been taking. The curious question of why was on the tip of his tongue, but he withheld it until he figured the other was prepared to talk. And from the looks of things, it might not be too long.

"You're welcome," he said in advanced.

Amber eyes fluttered open at the sound of Mukuro's voice and focused on said other. Placing the plastic container down, he licked his lips, realising that he might have to settle for a lack of taste buds today. They felt burnt, he thought gingerly, swirling his tongue round the last bits of cool ice.

"Um... fanks?" Oh dear. He still sounded like an idiot.

Yes, the Vongola boss would certainly provide some amount of entertainment for him this morning.

Mukuro gulped down the last bits of his coffee, licking his lips for stray drops before settling his gaze on Tsuna again. And now he wondered what they could possibly do. It was obvious that Tsuna wouldn't be able to talk at his usual capacity with his burnt tongue, but was he inconsiderate enough to have the younger man make conversation with him? Maybe.

"So how are you this morning, Tsunayoshi-kun?" He asked, a grin playing on moist lips.

Argh. Tsuna wanted to wring his hands. Fanks. What was fanks? Couldn't he say thanks properly? Damnit. He watched Mukuro for a moment, trying to distract himself from the numb tongue and vaguely wondered if Mukuro would need a tissue or something. His lips looked wet, too wet, yes a tissue was in order, but he had none. Oh! Wait. The brunette dug into his pocket for the handkerchief his etiquette teacher had insisted on and proffered it to the other.

"Um... hokey?"

An eyebrow raised at the the handkerchief that was being offered to him. For a brief second, Mukuro had to wonder what it was for before figuring it was possibly for his earlier action. He debated on whether to take it or not, only to shake his head, declining. Instead, he leaned against the table, resting his chin on his palm.

"And you don't need to be at Vongola at the moment? I would think your people would notice you hadn't gone in yet," he inquired, curiosity making an appearance.

Mukuro leaned forward and Tsuna leaned away, just a fraction before settling back, afraid to seem rude. He just... had a problem with proximity now. Blinking at the question, he gave a sheepish smile and played with the hems of his handkerchief. "Um... eu tu?"

The manager noticed the small action and placed that away for further thinking on at a later time. Mukuro might over think things sometimes, but it was something that has saved his ass more often than not. Every little detail counts, was what he believed.

"Kokuyo is just across the street. But I don't think my employees would miss me too much," he replied, nonchalant. If anything, the workers would like the small reprieve of not having him around.

At Mukuro's words, Tsuna steeled his heart. Yeah! It would be easier if I wasn't around. No boo-boos and screw ups or forgetting important details. Xanxus would never fail like that, he decided moodily. Angry at his lack of resolve, the brunette shook his head violently, shaking the thoughts away. He had always been like this, completely transparent around people and more so ever since the masquerade and... others. Plastering a weak smile on, he mumbled something gibberish that did not make sense to even himself.

Now this was a turn of events.

Mukuro watched Tsuna, who seemed to be having an internal battle about something or other. Oya, this could prove to be interesting, he thought to himself. More things that could be added to his mental Sawada Tsunayoshi file cabinet. He just wondered if he would be able to get Tsuna to impart on tidbits of information.

"Something troubling you Tsunayoshi-kun? Or shall I leave you to your thoughts," he questioned, curiosity showing again.

Tsuna stared blankly at Mukuro, wondering what gave the other the idea and then it struck. He must have been all shades of oblivious just now. A faint pink glow covered his cheeks and he lowered his gaze, shaking his head quietly. The crowd in Starbucks was starting to bother him, it felt like people were staring. The brunette stood abruptly and motioned for the door.

The sudden movement made Mukuro move back a little but when he saw the simple gesture that spoke enough, he stood as well and followed the younger man out the door, tossing his empty cup along the way. A few more questions gathered in his head at this impromptu act and he wondered if he'd get the answers to them. For now though, he'd follow Tsuna to wherever it was he wanted to take him. The noise of the coffee place was starting to get to him anyway.

Tsuna inhaled greedily. The morning air always made him feel better and once out of the crowd, everything felt lighter, his heart and head included. Tilting his head at the manager with a small smile, he cleared his throat and spoke slowly, "Nartink much Bukuro." ARGH!

"Oya? You're earlier action seemed to tell me otherwise, but I'll leave it be if you want," Mukuro said, amusement not lost on his face.

He took in the crisp morning air with better appreciation than when he'd left his apartment. The cooling weather was much better than the growing stuffiness of Starbucks as well, and he took a short moment to let his body adjust to the temperature change. Winter really was just around the corner.

Once finished, he turned his gaze back on Tsuna. "So, was there anything else or are we parting ways here?"

It felt like a cross between a confession and an interrogation. There was just this something about Mukuro that made him feel that way, like he could be honest and yet at the same time honest only to a certain extent. He was sure that the man of many mysteries would not divulge secrets. Pressing his lips into a thin line, he faced the manager with a thoughtful look. It had been bothering him for awhile and it was time to lay his cards on the table.


Any immediate responses that Mukuro had on the tip of his tongue were choked back at that one word. And instead, a flood of other questions came to mind. Where did he learn that name? How did he know that name? Did he know the connections with that name? Those were just a few of them. But now he had to figure out which would be the best one to ask first that could afford the least amount of answers from him.

The amusement that Mukuro had felt was gone and in its place was a questioning look. "You know?"

Tsuna nodded numbly, solemn, now that he's got Mukuro's attention. He knew the seriousness of mentioning the name but he had to make some things clear. There were just too many thoughts in his head and they needed to be sorted out. Now. And starting from this.

Mukuro stared at Tsuna, trying to see just what the Vongola boss wanted to know by revealing that name. It wasn't that difficult to figure out why Tsuna had approached him with the topic though. With the display at Hibari's apartment some weeks back, anyone would come to the conclusion that he and Hibari were close to a certain degree. He just hoped that Tsuna was prepared not to receive the full back story.

"And? What is it do you want to hear?" How much do you know?

"Nartink." I know where I'm not wanted. Tsuna smiled despite the thought. He led them to the zebra crossing, careful to only step on the white lines. He once heard that it would bring him good luck so he believed.


That response confused Mukuro. How could he want nothing? Tsuna brought the name up so he must want something, right? Or was just the simple acknowledgment of the name on his part all he wanted? But from what he knew, Tsuna was the caring kind of person... always wanting what's best for the people he knew. His visit to Hibari when the translator was injured was testament to that.

He followed after the younger man and mimicked the child-like action with a mix of confusion and curiosity. "Really? Nothing?"

Tsuna bobbed his head like those ancient dolls he had seen at museums, smiling warmly as they made it across the road. He watched Mukuro's lanky shadow cover his, mimicking his movements. But really, he didn't want anything... Okay, maybe recognition. Recognition that Hibari had someone watching his back, someone who knew more and was probably more skilled in covering the other's rear for him. The brunette knew what kind of a person Hibari was, the sort that would never ask for help even if he needed it and Mukuro was a perfect friend. If I read him correctly, that is, he thought. The Kokuyo manager was not the kind to offer help in a manner that Hibari would be able to reject. The taller man would probably give him no chance to refuse or make it look like it wasn't a favor, something Tsuna would never be able to do.

Mukuro stared at Tsuna with a hint of skepticism but let it fade away when he saw the earnest look in those amber eyes and smile. He didn't know whether to feel relieved at not having to say anything about Hibari and his bloody past or slightly disappointed that Tsuna didn't push for more. The former one won out in the end though. The less people knew about the details, the better, though he still didn't know just how much the man before him knew. Maybe one day he'd find out.

"You really are an interesting one, Tsunayoshi-kun," he murmured to himself, not knowing if the brunette would hear him or not.

"Tuna." Damn. He tried to school his lips into pronouncing his name properly to no avail.

Mismatched eyes blinked before Mukuro let out a laugh. Although he knew what the other was trying to do, getting him to say the favored nickname, what came out instead was just too amusing. Composing himself after his bout of laughter, he asked. "So you want me to call you Tuna instead of Tsunayoshi-kun, is that it?"

Tsuna made a face, squeezed his brows together in an attempt to glare at Mukuro. Pursing his lips, he folded his arms and stopped in mid step on the pavement.

Glares never worked on Mukuro and the one that Tsuna was trying to give him was more of a pout than a glare. Grinning, he poked the younger man on his cheek. "I'll take that as a no. But I have no valid reason call you 'Tsuna' just yet, Tsunayoshi-kun," he said, curious to know how the other would counter that fact. "Besides, I don't see any problem in calling you Tsunayoshi-kun either."

He swatted Mukuro's hand away on a reflex but missed, as usual. Giving the other the evilest look he could muster, he tried to look adamant but he got tired of it quickly. The brunette sighed, tempted to throw his hands in the air. Might as well get back on topic, he thought, steering them back into familiar waters. No point in making a fool of myself any longer.

"Eu..." He struggled for the right pronunciations. Swollen tongue be damned!

"Eu vill potack 'ibari san?"

Those words echoed in his mind. "You will protect Hibari-san?" Mukuro was tempted to say that the translator didn't need anyone's protection and Hibari liked it that way. But he could see the underlining worry that those words came with. It was that caring nature of Tsuna's making an appearance again. A nature that he couldn't relate to.

"Do I seem like the type of person who would, Tsunayoshi-kun?"

Tsuna paused to consider. Was it a trick question? He brought a finger to his lips, trying to be careful in his choice of words, words that wouldn't sound wrong with a scalded tongue. He didn't want to be called Tuna, really. After a moment's pause, he realised there were other ways to communicate besides voices and lips. He turned his palm to Mukuro, hoping the other would give him his gloved hand and that his plan would work.

Curious of what Tsuna would do, Mukuro held his hand out for the other with minimal hesitance. It was a hand that the kind of person Tsuna was shouldn't touch, after all. Stained.

If his grin stretched any wider, Tsuna was sure his cheeks will tear. Taking the hand gratefully, he slowly traced his thoughts down. Friends watch out for each other. Mukuro-san's gloves were slippery, the brunette noted.

Feeling the characters being written out on his hand, the manager formed the words in a complete set in his mind. Letting the message roll around in his thoughts, a small grin managed to form. True that he and Hibari were old friends... And there was already an unwritten and unspoken agreement to watch each other's back when they could. But with Tsuna knowing just what kind of things Hibari, and himself if the young boss connected the dots, were involved in then the assurance was desired.

Mukuro chuckled under his breath. "I know." No need to worry about him.

Satisfied with Mukuro's verbal confirmation and all the unspoken answers, Tsuna returned the gloved hand to him, making a sound from the back of his throat that he hoped sounded like affirmation. He felt better now, like some kind of liquid heat flooding through him. One down... many more to go. He rubbed his cheeks, starting to feel a cramp rise.

How he can be satisfied with just that, I will probably never know, Mukuro mused as he let his hand drop to his side. Trusting could be added onto the list under the header of Sawada Tsunayoshi. Little by little, the manager was finding out more about him.

Now that the semi-serious talk had passed, it wouldn't hurt to poke a little more fun would it? "So... still want me to call you Tuna?"

Tuna ja nai! He wanted to scream it out loud. Tsuna felt a cloud over his head and a shadow flitted past his face. And this time he really pouted.

Cute. Was the first word that came to mind when Mukuro looked at Tsuna expression. That pout bordered on adorable, really. "By your expression, I'll take it as a no. So I'll be sticking to Tsunayoshi-kun, then," he declared, amusement clear on his own face.

Tsuna gave up, waving Mukuro's cryptic smile away. There was no way he was going to one up people like Hibari and Mukuro, he decided, switching topics. "Um... 'ow haf eu bin?"

"Hm." Mukuro had to think about that question for a bit. Sure he could just give his usual answer and be done with the small pleasantries to avoid what was really going on in his head, but something stopped him from saying it right away. What that something was, he didn't know yet.

"As well as I can be, I suppose. Certain circumstances have made it a little less than pleasant," he replied honestly but in as vaguely as he could. He didn't want anyone trying to dig around his thoughts, no matter their good intentions.

He noticed the pregnant pause. Silence, he decided then, was a kind of answer too. It said so much more, filled in all the blanks that the other wasn't willing to verbalise. Tsuna lifted his eyes to Mukuro, gently coaxing a smile out of the other slowly. Hopefully, waiting for more information if the other was willing to share.

Seeing that look directed at him was a little discerning. Never before had Mukuro been compelled to do something that he didn't want to do, but here a small gesture was doing something that threats of death couldn't. Now it was just a matter of whether he wanted to give in and admit that something had been on his mind or not. And those kinds of admissions from him were difficult to come by.

"Rumors... are interesting things, aren't they?"

They had walked a distance from the noisy Starbucks to arrive at a place Tsuna was most familiar with. He had grown up in Namimori and this grass field near his high school was an old haunt. He had heard Mukuro's coded question but he didn't want to answer, not yet anyway. Beckoning the other to follow, he kicked off his shoes and let his toes feel the soft wet grass, not before sending a quick mail message to his secretary. This was urgent, he thought, the insane need to relax was definitely urgent and it was some sort of a business meeting. Sort of.

Mukuro had done what the other wanted without question, curious of what Tsuna wanted to do. Although he didn't take off his boots, he did take a seat close to the Vongola and relished a little in the peace. It was a contrast to his usual daily routine, but nothing he didn't appreciate. And sitting there in the grass reminded him of his old days, back whenever he needed a reprieve after a particular harsh meeting with "friends".

Those were memories he didn't want to rehash, but with the current setting and his mind on certain issues, it was inevitable. But that didn't mean he was willing to let the cup tip over. He'd been precarious to keep it balanced even with interference.

Without warning, the brunette kicked back and fell back on the tall grass. The part he had chosen was his favorite part of the field, the tall grass hid him from nosy parkers and people wanting to bully, back then that is. Crossing his hands behind his head, he cleared his throat, taking his own sweet time. "Lumos? Cherbero?"

"I'm sure you know the answer to that without me saying anything," Mukuro pointed out. After all, the Vongola had their own fair share of rumors that the Cervello had unleashed in that article. But it wasn't the rumors themselves that, dare he say, troubled his thoughts. It was the follow up with certain questions that he couldn't understand. What was it with fangirls and their love fantasies these days?

Tsuna watched Mukuro as he laid a respectable distance away. The manager was an odd character, he decided, but nothing evil, nothing he couldn't handle, or so he would like to believe. Rumors. Cervello. It reminded him of Gokudera and Giglionero Uni, things he had been avoiding the whole weekend. Closing his eyes, he tried to ignore them some more, hoping they would float away to the sky above. "Din reed et," Tsuna mumbled. It wasn't a lie, not completely.

Mukuro raised an eyebrow on that. Shouldn't the head of a large company be aware of the rumors that were going around? Or did Tsuna deem them unnecessary to even bat an eye at? As for him, Kokuyo was a beehive for rumors. Whether big or small, nothing got past the ears of the people there because of the customers and their gossiping ways. And though some rumors were proven false, there were still truths hidden somewhere in them. He liked to believe that.

"Oya, didn't have the time or didn't think it worth to look?" He inquired, not looking over at Tsuna.

"One oar tu," Tsuna shrugged. Rehashing the events of the past week wasn't what he had in mind when he came here but with Mukuro, all bets were off, everything was thrown out of the window and anything could happen. He suddenly sat up, eyes ablaze but strangely silent.

This time, Mukuro did look over at the Vongola boss with his quick movement, wondering just what Tsuna had in mind this time. It was a little difficult to calculate what the other's next move would be since it was all... impromptu-ish. Something he reserved for tight situations, which he hadn't had in years. Though now...


"Wa dus et meen ef um... sumone kishes eu?"

For a moment, Mukuro just laid there, staring at Tsuna almost as if he'd grown another head. Did he really just ask...? Mismatched eyes blinked.

After that initial pause though, the manager thought about the question and couldn't help but find a little amusement from it. At least it deterred from his line of thought. "It would depend on who and circumstances," he replied in an off-handed manner. "Why?"

Tsuna bit back a sigh, he couldn't help the droop of his lips. That wasn't the kind of clear cut answer he was looking for, it was... something he already knew. Shrugging, he laid back down, his way of dealing, more of avoiding than anything else.

Mukuro observed Tsuna for a moment. He'd noticed the downturn of his lips and the dissatisfaction of not getting the answer in those amber eyes. However, what he said had been true. It really did depend on the person and circumstance. But he was curious as to why the younger man would ask such a question. Was he confused because he had been kissed unexpectedly? To Mukuro, that seemed like the most likely scenario so far.

However... Hm.

Feeling like he needed to prove the point of his response, the manager moved swiftly, hovering over Tsuna and trapping the brunette below him. He stared into those large eyes before lowering his head and letting his lips brush against Tsuna's. Lots of things could happen because of this single action and he wondered just which route Tsuna would take.

The sky had been blue a split second ago but now it was blue AND red. Tsuna barely had a moment to identify that said red was Mukuro's eye when his fluttered shut. An automatic reflex. Because the other's lips were on him faster than he could scream and his hands had been caught in mid flight, a failed attempt to push the other away. A thousand images, emotions and a million more questions flooded his senses. The brunette found it hard to breathe. Names and faces flashed by but he was frozen, as if roots had sprung forth and held him still. Gokudera, Hibari, Dino, Mukuro, Mukuro, Gokudera, Mukuro.

The kiss was fleeting, a bare brush of lips and it was gone as quick as it had come. Though it wasn't the type of kiss that Mukuro would usually give to the recipient, he only needed that light touch to get Tsuna's thought processes going some more. If he was going to somehow get the questions out of the young boss, some kind of action needed to take place.

Mukuro moved away, putting space between them but still keeping Tsuna trapped. After all, it wouldn't do for the other to bolt away without giving him the chance to attempt to explain things to him. He was doing this for Tsuna's benefit, as odd as it may be.

Tsuna welcomed the sudden influx of cool air between them, a slow and lazy flow. He inhaled deeply, amber eyes dark with confusion. His hands lost in air felt immobile. Where was he supposed to put them now? What were the odds of getting kissed twice in 7 days? No. What were the odds of both kisses feeling exactly the same? Brief and sudden. Tsuna didn't know. It only got more complicated now. He stared up at Mukuro, searching blue and red for answers and found more questions instead. Clearing his throat, he whispered, "Whai?"

"To show you that it really does depend on who and the circumstance when being kissed, Tsuna," Mukuro replied, staring into those confused depths. He didn't know the who and circumstance of Tsuna's previous kiss, which was really speculation on his part. But at least he could offer a comparison for Tsuna. There was no feeling behind the small act. It was purely for the sake of trying to unravel answers to confusing questions.

He wryly chuckled inwardly. Though it probably wouldn't help his own mindset, it would do something for Tsuna. Hopefully. Otherwise, this would all be for naught.

He would have wiggled out if he could but the lure of his name and Mukuro had him effectively trapped, butterfly in a net. And truth be told, he felt no need to. There was no oppression or awkward aura, Mukuro was just... confusing, an enigma. He didn't understand, it didn't make sense and it felt like it was going to drive him mad. His gaze was unyielding as his jaw line hardened. Tsuna turned away, letting his hands fall to his side.

Usually he would have beamed at the idea of someone calling him by his name but now, the brunette just wanted to rage. He held it back, locked it all up and threw away the key. He knew what Mukuro was doing and that the other meant no harm but he couldn't stop his feelings going about like a see-saw. It was... infuriating. This lack of clear cut answers. Tsuna wanted to go back to being a child, act on impulse, cry, hug, cling, kiss, fight, tussle, anything to vent out these pent up energies that were going nowhere.

Taking several short breaths, he took his time before finally turning to Mukuro, all smiles and sunshine, shrugging it away like it didn't matter. Yeah they meant nothing. That's right. It's nothing. I'm thinking too much. Dame!Tsuna.

Of all the reactions that Mukuro had been expecting, this wasn't one of the ones on top of the list. He expected questions or even a small fight from Tsuna, but not smiling nonchalance. Like it didn't matter. And it didn't, or at least it wasn't supposed to matter to him. It bordered on confusion for the manager and just added more things to the pot of stewing thoughts. Especially when he believed that Tsuna wasn't the type to just take a kiss like it was no big deal. It made him wonder if something was off with the brunette. Like he was hiding away behind that smile...

Mukuro narrowed his eyes a little. He scrutinized the younger man before moving away completely. It was business that he shouldn't be meddling in anyway. He could play along too.

He saw the look. Sharp like a hawk, threatening to rip his mind apart. Mukuro was unconvinced but Tsuna had piled on extra volts in his smile, making sure it was blinding enough, anything to get Mukuro off him. And finally the sky was blue again. Tsuna tried to imagine blue eyes and Basil came to mind. He nearly laughed at how scrambled his thoughts were. It was like dancing on a field of land mines, avoiding every little thing possible, just in case, because any wrong move might break him. And the brunette refused to break, not in front of others, not when he's supposed to be Vongola the Tenth. There were many things waiting for him to do, many people he wanted to see and even if it broke his heart or wrecked his mind into pieces, he would face them. Tsuna licked his lips, willing his voice to cooperate, whispering.

"I... I no what you're doin'... it's okay. I... it's nothing."

He turned to Mukuro with a smile, a genuine one this time, begging for understanding and an apology hidden beneath layers of amber.

"If you say so, Tsunayoshi-kun," Mukuro responded, edging in his own share of nonchalance. He wouldn't touch on affairs that weren't his own, especially when he wasn't needed. But for a moment, he'd forgotten that that was his way of doing things. If it didn't involve him, he was better off just standing in the shadows and make his own speculations from observations. And he would only step in if it benefited him.

But somehow, this person shattered that in a single moment. For one moment, he thought he could do something without some kind of devious intent. Now he knew better. He should rid his head of any notions that he could do anything without having some kind of agenda that bettered himself.

He shifted his gaze upward, monochrome filtering his sight once more... just like in the past.

It stung, the edge in Mukuro's voice was like salt on a fresh wound. The look Mukuro had on gave him the jitters. It was like the cloak of the night had descended on them both, and dawn refusing to come. The brunette was merely seeking redemption and yet it looked like he was standing on the precipices of hell now. He stared at the other silently for a moment, chiding his own lack of tact and the white lies he had spoken. He had no right to ask Mukuro to call him by his name anymore and that thought saddened him. He didn't completely understand Mukuro's actions or Gokudera's and he probably won't, not in a long time, not until he sorted out the tangle in him, a black hole. A storm of emotions threatened to rise again, frustration more than anything else. The brunette grasped on his last shreds of control, holding firm, not letting himself waver, not now. Gently, he poked Mukuro's cheek, just like the other always liked to do. A tease, sort of? "Ne... Mukuro..."

Mismatched eyes blinked at the light poke to his cheek and the call of his name. Mukuro glanced over. He didn't know whether to be relieved or conflicted at seeing just a little color when looking at Tsuna. Was it a good thing or not? He wouldn't know the answer to that until later, when he had something else to look at other than the younger man. But for the moment, he would make with what he got.

"Hm?" An eyebrow raised in questioning as he settled his gaze. "What is it?"

"Tank eu." Followed by the sweetest sadness in amber and the same curve of pink lips.

For just a moment, there had been a burst of color. Just a split second. But it was enough to tell Mukuro that he wasn't falling back. That he didn't need to start living in the past again, or at least anymore than he already was. He closed his eyes and let a wry smile form on his lips. But now... was a "You're welcome" in order? Somehow, he felt that it didn't need to be said. That Tsuna would already know.

Either way, he conveyed his message as best he could when he opened his eyes.

He used to think Mukuro's eyes were strange, twinkling with some kind of inert danger that the other kept on a leash. But it was different now. How different or what made it different, he couldn't tell. He just felt it, an intuition of some sort. Some sort of a broken compromise, a mix of understanding, nothing complicated, just two men comfortable in each other's presence.

"Dats duh secand timu Mukuro."

"Oya? Is that right," Mukuro mused, a small grin forming like always.

He wasn't sure what to make of the situation now. Or what was going on between them. Could it easily just fall back into the way things were before? Like none of it ever happened? It was possible, but was it something that both of them wanted? For Mukuro, he didn't know yet. Time to think and stir the pot a little more was what he wanted, but given the present moment, he didn't think he'd get that chance until later. When he was alone.

But the silent question still hung in the air. Where do we go from here?

Tsuna leaned on his side, curling slightly. Propping his chin up with a hand, the brunette furrowed his brows, pensive look in place. He saw through Mukuro's grin, it was like his. Twin shields hiding them for the moment, from the things they didn't want to face. The silence acted as a temporal harbour from the storm that was their feelings, or the lack of it, but Tsuna was content, content that the strangeness of before had been defused. He found it easier to breathe now.

"I wish I cud reed mines."

"Hm." Mukuro returned his gaze back to the sky. If only things were that simple, he mused to himself. Unfortunately for them, and possibly everyone else in the world, things couldn't be. But, everything wouldn't be as fun, he figured seconds later. Exploring and finding things out was part of the fun that the world and the people within it gave. At least, that's how he always saw it, though not everyone would think the same.

"If only enough to lift some of the confusions," he muttered to himself, not knowing nor caring if Tsuna heard him or not. "But have to make do with what you have."

Mukuro was right in more ways than one. Tsuna understood that stand point but it didn't translate to agreement of any sort. He poked Mukuro's cheek again, asking for attention.

"If we ar 'onest, it doesn't haf tu b sho komplikated."

"Total honesty isn't something that I can give, Tsunayoshi-kun," Mukuro mused wryly. He had learned long ago that honesty was difficult to come by, especially in the cut-throat living that he decided on and endured. Manipulation and deceit were key factors that he relied on when it came to dealing with people. It was just the way he dealt with things. For him, it was the easier way.

"But... I kan." Tsuna sat up as he said it, glad to be towering over Mukuro for once.

"You would give total honesty?" To me?

Tsuna peered at Mukuro as if he was asking the most obvious question in the world and nodded without a thought. Why not? I... don't have much to hide, unless... unless he knows where to poke. Suddenly his throat felt like sandpaper and he said a mental prayer.

"Is that right."

You're too trusting. That was the thought that pervaded Mukuro's mind as he observed Tsuna. What was it that made him do that? Experiences. There was no doubt in his mind that the Vongola boss wouldn't have gone through the same things that he had. But... that made him wonder as well. Would Tsuna be this was still even if he'd gone through the blood-stained past that Mukuro been through? He didn't think a shred of innocence would exist afterwards, but it still made him curious to know.

But here was a chance. A chance to ask questions to answers that he could possibly want. Unfortunately, that wasn't his style. He was a shadow worker after all, watching and interpreting what he could from what he saw and going from there. For a split moment, he wished he wasn't so reserved.

If Tsuna knew what Mukuro was thinking he might have been indignant. He wasn't too trusting. He didn't trust every Tom Dick or Harry, he just found no reason not to believe that everyone had some good in them. There were many different levels of trust for the brunette. Trust that came in the form of names and faces, groups of people he would protect with his dying will. But Tsuna wasn't good with words, he didn't know how to make people see it his way and even if they hurt him, he was willing to forgive. Everyone makes mistakes right? A chance to make amends was the least he could do for the people willing to try. Because he was trying to make amends too, make the people he cared for happy and everything he could to prolong the peace.

"Whai not?"

Mukuro only gave a nonchalant shrug. He could have made a whole list of reasons why not, but thought it would be moot point. Everyone had their own system of doing things. Would his words make a difference? He didn't think so. The mind was a difficult thing to understand.

"Du eu... Haf eu bin... hurt?"

A short pause. "Why do you ask?" Where was Tsuna going to go with this now?

Tsuna thought it was obvious but apparently, not so to the manager of Kokuyo. If one had been hurt badly enough before, trust and honesty were definitely things that were difficult to share with others again. The brunette took it upon himself to break it down for the other, make it clear, as much as he could or as much as he understood, hoping that he didn't mess it up some more.

"Eu ar afraid?" He whispered, soft and kind.


The word had slipped out before Mukuro could even think about it. He inwardly cursed himself, but there was nothing he could do now. Was he afraid? Afraid of what? More questions than answers were floating through his mind now more than before, and Tsuna was doing a splendid job at not giving him the time to think about them even for a second.

But what kind of answer could he give if he didn't know it himself? Yes, no? I don't know. Silence would probably be the better option unless he would try to deter the other from this train inquiries, though that might be for naught as well. Tsuna was a stubborn one when he wanted to be.

Silence, from experience he knew, was an answer and this time it spoke volumes. A fear of an unknown, a fear of past mistakes, a fear for the future and whatever it held. Tsuna wished he could make Mukuro see that if one didn't try, how would you know? It was like regret, how would you know you would regret until its done? Falling was part and parcel of learning and Tsuna learnt better when his whole body and soul was emerged in the situation. Like now.

"So em I," Tsuna admitted.

What could he say to that. Just because Tsuna admitted something, it was Mukuro's turn now? If that was the way things worked, the manager didn't like it. His silence spoke enough, he knew. But verbalizing his thoughts was different. It wasn't something he could do with just anyone. He could count on one hand the number of people he would, and the count wouldn't go very far.

Mukuro continued to stare ahead, letting his vision flicker between the hues of life and monotony. When would the conflict stop? Probably never. His mind concluded.

"Imma 'fraid. All da time. But I... we can't stop trying." Tsuna tried slowly, the words finally sounding like it used to. He had many fears, failure among many others. But fear drove him forward instead of back. There was always hope in the brunette's mind set. Hope for a better tomorrow. Happy when they are.

"Trying for what?" Mukuro murmured, speaking the words as they flitted through his mind.

"Not to be afraid?" Tsuna tilted his head at him, wondering if he was mucking up things again.

The manager wondered if that was even possible and after a pause, he decided that it wasn't. Fear was something that would always occur in life, whether plausible or irrational. But then again, try was the keyword, wasn't it? Even trying would be difficult though.

"Sometimes it can't helped."

"Et can't be helped if... if eu let et kontol eu?" Tsuna muttered after a moment's consideration. It was only after he said it that he feared that he might have stepped on toes. Mukuro's.

Mismatched eyes narrowed a fraction. Was he implying something? That Mukuro let his so-called fears rule his life? It was a ridiculous notion and he mentally scoffed at the idea. Besides, it wasn't like he had much to fear. There wasn't anything in his life that he hadn't already done.

... No, that was a lie. There was something but he would rather take that fact to his grave than tell anyone. He didn't even understand it so why bother dwell on it, right? And yet, he had for majority of the past week. Absurd.

Courage is not the absence of fear, Tsuna wanted to tell the manager. But rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear. Things like families, friends, smiles and... love. But the brunette wasn't sure if words was going to get through to Mukuro at this rate. He felt the sudden intrusion of a steel wall between them, sharp and unyielding.

The furrowed brows, piercing gaze and tight lines all over Mukuro's face made him tremble. He's suffering. A quiet sort of suffering. Like Hibari-san, the brunette thought and suddenly he remembered his mother's advice. So without warning, he reached over Mukuro's face, pressing a long slender finger between angry brows, all the down to the tips of Mukuro's nose. He repeated it. Once. Twice. Thrice. Hoping it was calming. His mother used to do that for him everytime he woke up screaming about nightmares.

Mukuro blinked his eyes when he felt the single digit touch his face. His eyes followed its path, back and forth, before he turned his gaze to Tsuna, wondering what he was doing. What he was trying to accomplish with this act. Eyes turned questioning, searching for answers in amber depths.

Tsuna stared blankly at Mukuro. He saw the question in mismatched orbs and chuckled lightly. "My ma used tu du dat for mi. Et halps mi feel batter?" He quickly retrieved his hands at that.

More like distracting from thoughts, Mukuro thought to himself, but he wouldn't say anything against Tsuna. If a distraction helped him not think of things he would rather not, then all the better. It was a delay, but better to not dwell on those thoughts now when giving the younger man time to try to fish it out of him.

Instead, he let out a dry chuckle. "I suppose..." But it wouldn't last for long. Just for this moment.

Instead of calming him down, Mukuro's laugh unsettled him some more but Tsuna refused to let it show. He offered the other a weak smile and stood up slowly, dusting himself off. You know where you're not wanted, he reminded himself again. Foot in mouth disease, he thought, wondering if he should offer Mukuro a hand up or leave since he was obviously getting on people's nerves. Dame Tsuna. You deserve to be called a tuna.

Mukuro watched Tsuna stand up and proceeded to do the same.

He still didn't understand the Vongola boss anymore than before. Not because he hadn't had the chance to pick through everything he observed, but because Tsuna seemed like impromptu personified. Everything he did was sudden and unpredictable and Mukuro wondered if that was one of the reasons that Tsuna interested him in the first place. Still interested him in fact. Confusion came with the interest, but that was something he would have to deal with if all of their meetings turned out like this one.

But what to do now. He had a lot to think about, true, but the thought that they could be parting ways didn't sit well with him. More. He wanted to know more, try to understand more. But only if Tsuna was willing.

Tilting his head in the direction they came from, Tsuna led the way, fingers lost amongst the tall grass. He stopped half way, turned to make sure Mukuro was behind him and gave him a shy tentative smile. He didn't want the manager to get lost. Maybe that's how all the Starbucks employees' disappeared. By accident.

Blink once, blink twice.

Mukuro stared at that smile. It was the first time he'd received such a smile from the other. In comparison to all the bright and cheery smiles that Tsuna usually directed his way, this one shone with a vibrant set of colors. His breathing stopped for just that one moment. It was... unexplainable, what it was doing to him. And he wondered if he even wanted to know.

Another blink before he returned the gesture with a small smile of his own. A genuine one. Something he hadn't shown in decades.

He was just about to say something nice when he realised what that voice at the back of his head was saying. HIS SHOES. He had left them in... in... the pile of grass somewhere back there. Oh no. Tsuna wondered if it was possible to die of embarrassment. He quickly pushed his hanging jaw in place and continued walking forward. He would just have to deal with walking barefoot. With Mukuro out of his line of vision, he made a face, wringing his hands and muttering little curses at his goldfish memory.

Now what was he doing? was the first thing that came to Mukuro's mind as he watched Tsuna look around, as if searching for something. He was about to ask what he was looking for when a memory clicked into place. Ah, that's right. His shoes. A short chuckle that was much more light-hearted than before escaped his throat as he helped in the search. It wouldn't do for a boss to walk around without his shoes, now would it?

After a short look around in the area that they were previously in, he managed to locate the lost shoes and held them up for Tsuna. "Forgetting these?"

Tsuna could have leaped for joy or kissed the ground Mukuro walked on or even... okay that was enough kissing for the week, he thought wryly. Genuine relief and happiness coursed through his blood and being transparent, it was even more obvious through his expression. Everything about the brunette was simple, or so he would like to believe. Scrambling to Mukuro, he held out his hands for the Italian brogues expectingly.

Here was a chance for a bit of play, Mukuro thought. The question was would he take it. And the answer was painfully obvious.

"Do I get a reward for finding them?" He asked, mischief returning into dual colored orbs.

Tsuna lifted his face to Mukuro at that question, watching his shoes get dangled off like some sort of prize. Suddenly it felt like he was getting punished for being naughty which he most definitely hadn't been, the brunette mused. He blinked rapidly at the manager, wondering what sort of reward the other wanted. Not monetary, definitely no. But what? Favors?

"Um... okay? Wha?" Tsuna obviously had no self-preservation skills of any sort.


No ground rules. What Mukuro could ask for, there were many possibilities. The problem would be narrowing it down to one. However, he would be satisfied with what he had in mind.

Taking the few steps between them to close the gap, he gently took hold of Tsuna's chin and looked into those amber eyes once more. Slowly, he moved closer, not breaking the contact until he shifted Tsuna's head to the side, cheek against cheek. For a moment, he didn't say anything, just letting their breaths tickle the skin that they managed to reach. Everything else became irrelevant in that short pause. And then, in a soft whisper...

"Thank you."

Goosebumps ran up his spine at the sudden proximity and Tsuna's defense mechanism kicked in. Mukuro had done it again and each time he got under his skin made the brunette anxious. Bristled and wary, not in a bad way, not in fear for his life but something else. He wondered what the other wanted from him, what all this meant and what would change.

He had placed his hands on Mukuro's shoulders, all ready to push the other off if... if... Then he heard it. The softest thank you. At that, his hands grew weak and he rested them on the other, perplexed by the series of events and how similar they were. Gokudera and Mukuro.

But gratitude was gratitude and it felt like Mukuro needed some sort of assurance, the friendly sort. Tsuna didn't know why there was a cause for it or what he had done to deserve it but he reached over anyway. Tiptoe-ing a fraction closer, the brunette gave Mukuro a light pet, stroking his back briefly. Did he need a hug? Tsuna didn't dare to assume.

Didn't he want a reward? Was this it? Tsuna let the thought fly. "You... okay?"

An amused smile flittered across his lips. Mukuro let that question echo in his mind. Was he okay? If only for the time being. Will he be okay? Despite the confusion, any more encounters like this and he just might be. In an odd sort of way. Tsuna was like the calm amidst chaos, a moment's reprieve that was greatly desired even if he brought some of the chaos with him.

"You... okay?"

"Who knows."

"Du eu... um... nid a hugu?"

"Are you volunteering, Tsunayoshi-kun?"

What sort of question was that? The brunette's brows flew together at that. It's just a hug, he thought. His mother always hugged him and hugs always made him feel better. So without answering, he wrapped his hands lightly around Mukuro (not before stealing his shoes back). Mukuro was tall. Taller than Gokudera-kun, Tsuna decided, letting the other lean against him for a moment.

He should have expected it, but he was still surprised by the action. Mukuro stood there, slightly tense at the feel of those slender arms wrapping around him. When had been the last time that he had received one of these? He couldn't even recall, making the hug feel almost alien to him. For a moment, he didn't know what to do. Just stand there? Hug back? In the end, he just released the tension in his body and took it for what it was.

Tsunayoshi-kun, just what are you doing to me...

Tsuna's tiptoe-ing was no match for Mukuro's height but he held on. Tenderly, he stroked the other's back, brushing off the loose grass and dirt from before, hoping to soothe away whatever the other was going through. He didn't notice that he wasn't getting hugged back, Tsuna was just glad that Mukuro didn't freak out or realise that the brunette had gotten back his shoes in the other hand.

Mukuro didn't know how much time had past as they stood there, Tsuna embracing him and he taking as much as he could handle. The thought of returning the gesture past through his mind more than once, but he refrained himself. Because he knew that if he did, there would be a hint of desperation in that hold. Desperation for what, he didn't know. It wasn't like him, so he stopped himself doing much else. Plus, any longer in his hug and it just might become some sort of addiction.

"You really are something else... Tsuna."

Tsuna had a cramp. Right calf. So as smoothly as he could, he let himself land on the balls of his feet and felt the blood flow again. A brief smile, a small nod, a look of quiet understanding and he let Mukuro go completely. The brunette waved his shoes in front of Mukuro merrily, a personal victory of some sort. Without a word, he stuffed his feet in and everything felt right. Everything. Now. It felt like he could go back to Vongola, to Gokudera, to Xanxus and Byakuran, and deal with anything. Anything they threw him. Maybe I should propose a hug day.

mukuro rokudo, *log: complete, *log, *log: prose, sawada tsunayoshi

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