Want to join this RP? Well here's where you start!
First off, please read the rules of this RP that can be found at the
profile page. If you agree with those, continue on and please check
this post first, to see which characters are taken/reserved. ^^
Also please also bear in mind that this is a high-school setting. We can't have, for example, Shamal apping as a student and then Gokudera a teacher. Please consider your character's age before you apply for a certain position. Thank you."
Next, fill out the following application, and comment here.
✩Personal Info✩ Name/Nickname: E-mail address: Contact (AIM/MSN/ECT.): ✩Character✩ Name: Position (student, teacher, ect.): Sample RP (Third Person): 100 words minimum~!
Sample Journal (First Person): Comments/Questions: After getting accepted my one of the mods, please go to the contact list and put in your information there. If you have any other questions please feel free to contact one of the mods!