Title: Night at the Strip Club
acacia_123Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Pinto
Summary: Chris and Zoe go a strip club where Zach's a dancer.
Note: Written for
therumjournals over at
trekrpfexchange http://acacia-123.livejournal.com/66631.html"
Title: Christmas in New York
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Pinto
Summary/Prompts: a lonely holiday turns not so lonely after all; mistletoe
Note: Written for
zjofierose at
trekrpfexchange http://acacia-123.livejournal.com/66255.html Title: Christmas with the Quintos
acacia_123Rating: PG
Characters: Zach, Joe, Mama Quinto
Summary: Christmas 1991
Prompt: Dad's record collection (Beatles, Rolling Stones, other 60s bands)
Note: Written for
joanne_c over at
trekrpfexchange http://acacia-123.livejournal.com/66474.html"